2.5: The Aftermath

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Henley's P.O.V

I lay curled up in Sasha's spare bedroom. I haven't left in what feels like months. Turns out I've only been here for a week. I can't feel a thing. I'm uncomfortably numb. I can't even cry anymore. It seems that my body can't spare anymore tears. Now I just stare off into space, feeling emptier than ever.

After I ran from the guys' apartment, I ended up at Sasha's. I knew that she lived in the apartment above the bar, so I grabbed the spare key and made my way up to the small apartment. Luckily she had a spare room. I didn't even have to ask if I could stay with her. She immediately asked if I wanted to stay. I felt terrible for asking her something like that, but she didn't seem to mind.

I have no idea what to do now. I'm all alone. I tried calling my parents the night I arrived. They just told me I was now disowned. I'm not apart of my family anymore. I'm abandoned. Eventually I'll call Tommy and ask if I can stay with him, but for now I'll stay here. I hate to bother him.

I just can't believe that that jackass would cheat on me like that. Does he really have his head shoved so far up his own ass that he thought I wouldn't be upset if I knew? I fucking hate him. I never want to see him again. I can't believe I ever loved him! I loved him so much I was willing to follow them to Los Angeles when they went. I'm sure Steven is upset with him.


God, I miss him so much. He was my best friend. He was my brother! Now I'm probably never going to see him again. I don't remember the apartment's number, and I don't plan on leaving this room for a long time. I miss Steven and Bella so fucking much. Why'd everything have to go down like it did? Why'd I have to fall for Duff? Why was I so stupid?

"Henley?" Sasha's soft voice says. I feel the bed dip down beside me. "Honey, he doesn't deserve your tears."

I sit up, pulling my legs to my chest. I rest my chin on my knees. I sigh. "I'm not upset just about Duff. It's that my parents disowned me, meaning I'll never get to see Nico again. And I probably won't ever see Steven again. He was my best friend! I'm not even sure if I'll see Madeline again. I'm sure she'll be with Steven, who's bound to be around Duff." I feel the tears prick at my eyes. "I gave everything to him."

"Henley, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize what all you did for him," Sasha says, a pitying look in her grey eyes.

"I was such an idiot. None of this would've happened if my family stayed in LA. I'd still be hanging out with Athena all the time. We'd probably go visit the Crüe and bother the shit out of them. I'd be happy."

"Think of it this way," Sasha starts. "What we go through shapes us as people. It shapes how we act and our outlook on the world. Judging on what you've gone through, I've no doubt you're gonna protect yourself and not trust as easily. That's a good thing though. Just don't completely shut yourself out from the world, alright? I don't want to see you self destruct."

I smile at her words. She's like my mom, even though she's twenty-seven. I have someone I can trust in this world other than Tommy and the Bass' after all. I get on my knees and hug her tightly.

"Thank you," I whisper, feeling her arms wrap around me as well.

"Anytime, hun."

We stay silent in each other's embrace for a while longer. Without warning, she stands up, causing me to fall onto the bed.

"We need to get you out of this stuffy room," She says, standing with her hands on her hips. "Get dressed and come down to the bar. You can hang out for a little bit. I'm sure Colin and Sebastian miss your company." I groan. "Don't try to fight me on this one Henley Baxter."

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