1.5: Christmas Day Pt. 1

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Henley's P.O.V

I expect to wake up to the dull sounds of my parents arguing. I expect Nico to run into my room with tears in his eyes. I expect to hear the front door slam as a sign of my father leaving. I expect all this because they always happen on Christmas. My father always leaves, then comes back late at night. The smell of cheap perfume on him as well has cheap lipstick. My mother never says a word about it. She happily welcomes him home and then everything is back to normal. Only on Christmas does my father cheat on my mother. Sixteen years later and I still have no idea why.

I don't wake up to any of that chaos, however. Instead I wake up to a pair of strong arms around me. My face is buried in his chest where I can hear his heartbeat. I can feel his chest rising and falling as he sleeps peacefully. His blonde hair is long enough that I can see some laying on his arm. I move a bit to look at his face. A grin appears on my lips as I relish in the sight of him. He looks so peaceful. He looks a lot younger. He's such an attractive guy.

And he's all mine.

Duff McKagan is my boyfriend.

My first real one. How did I get so lucky?

I blush as Duff's eyes open, a sleepy smile on his lips. "Like what you see?" He asks in a husky voice.

Damn, his morning voice is sexy.

"Very much," I respond.

I push myself up farther and place a kiss on his lips. Without warning, he pulls me on top of him, causing me to squeal. I laugh and lean my head down again. I kiss him passionately. His hands grip my hips. I feel a smile form on his lips which breaks the kiss. I pull away and look into his perfect hazel eyes.

"So, what do you want to do today, girlfriend?" He asks, his voice dragging out the word 'girlfriend'.

"Well, boyfriend," I do the same thing. "I would love to stay in bed and cuddle all day, but I gotta get home. I'm sure my mom is having a heart attack because I didn't come home last night."

"Will you come over later?" He asks, hope in his eyes. "I know I'll be bored without you here." A pout forms on his face.

I lean over and kiss him again. God, it feels so good to kiss him. "I promise."

"Okay," He says, getting out of bed. He's only wearing plaid boxers which clearly show his morning. . .problem.

"Um," I say, not sure how to say this. I feel my cheeks heat up. "Duff?" He hums in response. "You got, uh, a bit of a problem."

"What?" He laughs. I nod my head down to his crotch, which makes him look down. He laughs again, the sound like music to my ears. "If you weren't so sexy I wouldn't have this problem," He chuckles, leaving the room.

My cheeks heat up even more. He said it so easily! Ugh, we haven't been dating for twenty four hours and he already has this effect on me.

I sigh, finally getting up off the bed. I stretch my back once I stand up, almost falling onto the floor. My mind is still hazy from sleep, but one thought becomes clear.

I brought Duff's Christmas present over here last week, and it's in Stevie's room.

A happy smile makes it's way onto my lips at the realization. I'm excited to give it to him! I walk out of Duff's room. I glance down the hall to see if the bathroom door is still closed, and sure enough, it is. I go to Stevie's door, listening for any moaning. I don't hear anything. Thank God. I knock as quietly as I can on the door.

Surprisingly, the door opens to reveal an excited Steven.

"I take it you're here for the present?" He asks, a huge grin on his face.

I nod, grinning at the loveable drummer. He disappears from the doorway to grab the gift. I look into the room, not at all surprised to see how disheveled it looks. I expect Madeline to be on the bed, but I can hear her moving around in Stevie's bathroom. Steven appears again a few seconds later, a grin on his face as he hands me it.

"He's gonna love it!" He nearly yells.

I shush him, looking back down towards the bathroom. "I hope so," I whisper. "See you guys later."

Without another word, I tiptoe back to Duff's room. I lay his gift at the foot of the bed, hoping he won't notice it when he walks in.

It feels like the second I sit back down, Duff is back in the room. A towel is loosely wrapped around his hips and his hair is still damp. I guess he took his cigarettes to the bathroom because an unlit one hangs from his lips. He walks over to me, bending down to grab a lighter from the floor.

His eyes meet mine and a smirk appears on his lips. "Hello, gorgeous."

I giggle at him. "Hey, you."

Duff leans forward, since he was still bent down, and places a sweet kiss on my lips. My hands go up to cup his cheeks. His hands rest on either side of my thighs. When we pull away, he takes a deep, content breath.

"Let me get dressed and I'll take you back to your place," He says in a sad voice.

I love that he doesn't want me to leave. To be honest, I really don't want to leave. I have so much fun here with the guys. As Duff starts to change with his back to me, I pick up the gift and place it onto my lap. I look up and Duff already has his leather pants on.



"Turn around."

"Either your naked or you just want to see me without a shirt on," Duff chuckles.

"Just do it," I laugh.

He does as I said, his eyes widening when he sees what's in my lap.

"You seriously got me a new bass?"

I nod. "I thought you might want a new one. I saw that your old one was practically falling apart."

"Henley," He says, happiness and disbelief in his voice. He walks over and takes it out my lap. He strums the strings. He winces when he hears how out of tune it is. Duff sets it down on the bed, and pulls me to my feet. He wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls me into a long kiss. "Thank you," He mutters against my lips.

"You're welcome," I respond, kissing him one more time. I stay in his arms for a few more seconds, before detaching myself from him. "Alright, let's get me home."

Duff pouts, but grabs a shirt from the floor. He slips it on and follows me out of his bedroom.


Duff drove me back to my house, so know I'm sitting in his car and staring at the unfamiliar car in the driveway. It's fancy too. I try to wrack through my brain to think of anyone that my parents know that could have that car.

"Can't think of who it is?" Duff asks.

I shake my head. "Only one way to find out." I lean over the console and kiss Duff hard and rough.

He laughs and kisses back with just as much intensity. "I'll see you later, Gorgeous."

I nod, opening the door and stepping onto the pavement. I wave at Duff as he drives away with a sad look on his face. I walk up to the door and open it. I hear voices in the kitchen, so I follow them. I walk into the kitchen to see the last person I expected to be here.


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