1.0: An Awkward Dinner

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Henley's P.O.V

I suppress a groan as I sit through this torturous dinner. I was all for ditching Jake and Eva to go back to the guys' apartment, but Madeline, of course, had different ideas. She hates hanging out with her brother! Why the hell did she ask if they wanted to go get some Chinese food? Fucking stupid!

The movie wasn't nearly as bad as this. All Duff and I had to do was scoot over so that we were actually sitting with Steven and Madeline, then all of us shut up and focused on the shitty movie. I still have no clue what it was. Everyone one of us except for Eva was feeling awkward. The tension was way too thick for my liking.

I sigh as Eva asks the dreaded question. "So, what were you guys doing at the theatre? I thought you guys had some homework to do or something?"

I don't bother opening my mouth to respond. I know Madeline will have the perfect excuse as always.

"Well," Madeline begins, thinking through her words. "Uh, we were starting on the homework but then, uh, Steven here said he was bored and asked us if we would go out with him and Duff for a while."

I roll my eyes. Could she seriously not come up with something better? I guess it doesn't really matter. Eva isn't one to hold grudges. I feel a shiver go down my spine as I look at Jake. And it's not the good kind of shiver either. It's the kind that chills you to the bone. He looks like he wants to kill me! Jake is definitely one to hold grudges. He can be the sweetest person in the world, but as soon as you hurt him, he'll make your life a living hell. Oh God. What does that mean for me?

"Oh that makes sense!" Eva exclaims, the smile never leaving her lips. Eva looks over at me, her eyes scanning me. "You look gorgeous tonight, Henley!"

I laugh nervously. God, I hate attention. "Uh, thanks."

I look back down to my food, scooting the rice around with my fork. Eva starts in about some drama about Stephanie, which Madeline listens to intently. Well I'm glad they're comfortable. They don't have Jake's eyes burning into their skull.

I jump as I feel a hand touch mine. I wasn't expecting anyone to touch me. I side eye Duff, who's looking straight at me. He leans over, his breath fanning over my neck and making me laugh.

"Relax," He whispers. "I don't think it's as bad as you think it is, I promise. After this we can head back to my apartment and listen to music."

I turn my head to look at him, a smirk on my lips. "What makes you think I'd like your music?"

Duff laughs, moving some hair out of his face. "I saw you eyeing my Mötley Crüe record. Obviously we have some of the same taste."

"I guess we'll just find out, huh?"

"So!" Eva squeaks, interrupting Duff and I. "How'd you guys meet?"

"We met at a b-." Steven is cut off by Madeline harshly stomping on his foot.

"We met at a record store not too long ago," I say, jumping in quickly.

Jake scoffs. "You managed to drag Madeline to a record store?"

"And why is that so surprising?" I ask, feeling my anger return.

Jake shrugs, moving his food around with his fork. "She's just not a music nerd like you are."

I roll my eyes. "Loving music is not a bad thing, you asshole."

"What's your problem?" Jake snaps.

"What's my problem? You're the one acting like I ran over your cat!"

"You know I love Diana very much!" Jake counters.

"I didn't mean that I actually ran over your goddamn cat!" I stand up, shaking my head. "I'm fucking done. I'll see you guys later."

I walk out of the restaurant. My anger is through the roof. I can't fucking believe that dickhead. He's acting like I'm the one that's been giving him death glares all night. All because I ditched him to help his sister! Absolute bullshit. The start of the night was so great. As usual those two fuckers just had to show up and ruin the entire night.

I sit down on the curb, realizing that I rode over here with the guys. I guess I'm just stuck here until they come out. How embarrassing that will be. I feel some angry tears spring to my eyes. I sniffle as my nose starts to get clogged up. I jump as someone lays their hand on my shoulder. I look up, comforted to find Duff smiling down at me.

"You alright?" He asks, sitting down next to me.

I shrug. "I'm sorry for losing my temper. I just don't have the patience for people that are mad at me for no reason."

Duff laughs, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "You don't have a lot of patience, do you?"

I laugh, some angry tears falling. "Not really. Well, I do for certain people. The ones I know I'll be miserable without."

"And who would those people be?"

I sniffle again, looking up at the night sky. You can't see the stars because of all the lights here in the city. "My parents and little brother, obviously. Uh, my best friends from L.A, Madeline, and here recently, you and Steven."


I nod, smiling a bit. "I haven't laughed as much as I have with you guys in a long time."

"What about that Jake guy and the chick?" Duff asks, seeming genuinely interested.

I think for a moment. "I could live without them. Jake's way to sensitive and Eva's way too much to deal with a lot of the time." I pause, feeling bad. But it's the truth. "Enough about me, though. Do you have anyone that you'd be miserable without?"

"Believe it or not, I don't really have a lot of friends," Duff says shyly, a sad smile on his face.

"Oh, I believe it," I tease, bumping his shoulder with mine.

Duff laughs, looking me in the eyes. "I'd probably be really miserable without my family and Steven. And here recently, you and Madeline have become one of those people as well."

"I feel honored," I giggle.

We're quiet for a moment. Duff startles me as he stands up suddenly. He holds his hand out to me. "Let's head back to the apartment."

I take his hand, standing up. "But won't Madeline and Steven need the car?"

"Who said we were taking the car? We could use some cardio," Duff laughs, pulling me with him down the street.

"You sayin' I'm fat?" I tease, poking him in the ribs.

"No, but I can tell you're out of shape," Duff laughs.

I'm quiet for a moment, before nodding my head. "You're damn right about that."

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