Chapter 3

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         I woke up and felt, albeit faint, the presence of someone else in my house. Had it not been for the events prior to this morning, I'd have been ready to murder someone. Pulling myself out of bed, I checked the time to see that it was almost 9:30 and nearly panicked as we were supposed to meet All Might this morning. Though, he never gave us a time of which to meet him. I was walking to my kitchen while I was thinking and I passed by the guest room to see Toga curled into a ball. On the corner of the bed with the covers pushed away from her and her gaze was fixed on the door in what looked like fear.

         "Toga, did you sleep at all? Are you alright?" I asked her while trying not to be too loud so that I didn't startle her. I got no response.

         I didn't want to approach her because there's a reason she's positioned like that so I thought to get her attention by dancing a few orbs of light in front of her. It took a few seconds but her eyes followed them for a second and she finally took notice of me in the doorway.

         "How long were you standing there?" She asked me barely above a whisper as she curled tighter as if she was getting away from me.

         "Not too long, less than five minutes. I came to wake you up so we can go meet with All Might but you look like you hadn't slept for more than about three hours at the most. Were you able to sleep at all while curled up like that?"

         "I slept plenty. I sleep like this all the time... When are we leaving to meet All Might?" She said as she cast her sight towards the floor.

         "We can leave after we eat and shower. It's a few minutes after 9:30 right now. I'll make something quick. The bathroom is behind me and feel free to use my shower gel. The towels are under the sink and there's a small washing machine by the shower door." I say as if I often had guests over. Shortly after saying that, I remembered we had somewhere to be soon.

         "Ah, there's not enough time to wash all the dirt and smoke out of your clothes and I'm certain you don't want to sit in a towel for an hour in the bathroom. Do me a favor and stand up." I say as I enter the room.

         Toga starts shaking and asks me what I was going to do to her as fear slowly crept through her face. When she stood up, she started to beg me not to hurt or violate her and I quickly reminded that I wouldn't harm her.

         "Don't worry, I'm just going to remove the dirt off your clothes and make them appear clean. Though you'll have to iron and flatten them yourself since you wish not for me to touch you." I said as I held my hand in front of her and started to create numerous tiny hands that were only visible to the eye because of how many I made.

         Toga prepared to protest against what I was doing but silenced herself before she got started and instead watched what I was doing. I spread the hands across her clothing, clamped them down, slowly pulled them back and Toga could see the amount of dirt and dust being removed from her clothes. I turned her around and repeated the action, making sure not to put too much pressure on her skirt to avoid a horribly frustrating situation. Once that was done, I placed her back on the ground, piled all the dirt together, took a moment to realize just how dirty her clothes were then threw it all in the wastebasket behind me.

         "I'll explain how my quirk works after you take your shower. I'm going to get started on the food. Are eggs, noodles and sausages alright with you?" I said as I left the room and started heading towards the kitchen.

         About thirty or so minutes later, Toga walked out of the shower as if there were obvious traps along the ground and eventually made her way to the kitchen area. Admittedly, it was a little funny watching her tip-toe around my house until she found a place to sit that wound up being the farthest from me. Looking at her face, I noticed that she looked remarkably different with her hair down but most importantly, her eyes were locked on the plate of food on the counter. It has a considerably less amount of food on it compared to the plate in my hand as the one on the counter was mine. I slid the larger plate of food, along with a glass of water, down the table to her and she looked astonished.

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