Chapter 8

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         "Hey, you alright?"

         "Huh? What? Y-yeah, I'm ok."

         "You were spacing out just now. First day of school in a while freaking you out?"

         "Like you're one to talk Vincent, your leg is shaking harder than an earthquake." I said to him as I started to mess with my bag.

         "What about it? I'm not going to deny that I'm nervous about being here. I just hope that I can handle this." Vincent said as he ran a hand through his hair.

         This is it, our time to take giant steps towards making our lives easier. I gave my word that I'd stay by his side and be his friend. Granted, I may have rushed the whole friend part, but I don't have anyone else in my life to keep me on track, to help me keep some degree of a possible good future on my mind, and someone to keep me from....

         "Anyone in there Himiko? It's time to get off the train. I'll drag you if I have to." Vincent said as he gently shook me back to reality.

         During our walk to U.A, we, more so he, got a lot of confusing glances and looks of disgust from strangers but no one came up to us and bothered us. Some people even looked at me with hate in their eyes, but it is as he said, no one would bother me if I was with him. Though I do wish that people wouldn't look at him like that. I know my crimes and other things I've done wrong, so I'd be ok with the looks of hate. I deserve them after all. Vincent, to my knowledge, hasn't done anything wrong and has been nothing but kind to me since we met. If only other people would be willing to accept that he isn't what his family past makes him appear as.

         "We're here." Vincent said with a high degree of nervousness.

         "Are you ready?" I asked.

         "The confidence in me says to go forth and seize the day. My anxiety and the cowardice stemming from that is telling me to warp home right now and never leave again." Vincent responds while trying to keep a straight face.

         "Well, tell your anxiety to shove it. I won't forgive you if you run away and leave me to fend for myself. Though, if that did happen, I'd most likely run away too and I'd let All Might along with everyone else down..." I said to him trying to put on my best motivational face, but it quickly fell apart.

         Vincent took a moment to do a sharp inhale before blowing all the air out of his mouth and then he looked motivated to push forward. He said that we were in this together and we have been since this all started. I felt the energy of his motivation and I responded in kind. We both pumped our fists into the air and started making our way towards the inside of the building.

         "Now that's what I like to hear!" A voice exclaimed from behind us.

         Being surprised, the two of us turned around and were just about ready to fight, until we saw the face of the voice and she just radiated positivity.

         "Hey now, you surprised them. I get you were happy to hear them psych themselves up but maybe you could have held it in for a few more seconds?" A boy with dark green messy hair nervously said.

         "I just couldn't hold it in Midoriya! It was too great not to say anything about it! I'm Ochaco Uraraka, nice to meet you!"

         "A-and I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's a p-pleasure."

         Vincent and I introduced ourselves and as we walked to the classroom, we found out we were all in the same class. Midoriya looked like he was micro-analyzing Vincent to see if he could figure something out and only stopped whenever the two made eye contact. Uraraka was happy to see another girl in the class and had asked a lot of questions. Nothing too intrusive but when she asked what made us choose U.A., that's when it got tough for me to answer.

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