Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Vincent POV

         The next morning, I was up earlier than normal because of a sudden curiosity to toy with my quirk.

         "What the hell are you doing this early? You haven't been up like this in years." Christin asked as I made my way outside.

         "Just trying some ideas is all. Since when do you care how early I wake up?"

         "I don't but it's kind of abnormal for you to be up this early. Do whatever you want, I'll try to enjoy watching you."

         I tried recreating some swords I had seen in a comic book, it took a few seconds to properly remember what they looked like but they eventually appeared. I then tried to have them float around me and that proved much harder than I thought.

         "Instead of floating them one at a time, why don't you treat all of them as a single object?"

         "How would I individually swing them if they were a single object though?"

         " have arms don't you?"

         "Yeah but what do they have to do with- wait..."

         I tried following Christin's line of thought and it was indeed much easier for me to treat them as one object when they're floating around me and once I grabbed two of them, the rest continued to float as long as I concentrated on them. Unfortunately, it didn't last much longer than about five minutes since my head began to hurt. Although they stopped floating, when they hit the ground, they didn't vanish since I was still thinking about the weapons themselves and not so much of them floating. I picked up the rest of them with my extra arms just fine and swung the blades around for a bit. Whoever said multi-tasking and the ability to think and focus on multiple things wasn't possible should meet me and retract their statement.

         "Did you really come out here just to dick around or are you practicing for something?" Christin asked in confusion.

         "Well, with Himiko and I on the road to becoming heroes, it only makes sense that I go back to regularly practicing usage of my quirk again and I don't know what kind of monstrosities I'd wind up fighting. Besides, what if I'm in a situation where I would need five or more swords to defeat a foe?"

         "I suppose you have a point but, you know you could always ask me for help right?" Christin asked with a sinister tone to his voice.

         "I don't think that would reasonably happen anytime soon but, I don't see much of a problem with us operating at the same time. We'll figure that out when we get to that point."

         "You're no fun you know. You could be tapping into an absurd amount of raw power at any given moment."

         "You mean, you just want me to give you full control so you can run rampant and scare people right?"

         "I sometimes hate the fact that because we share the same body, you can easily perceive my true intentions. Just a little bit."

         "Well without me, you'd be dead so deal with it."



         After our brief bout of insulting each other, I continued my routine with a small bit of flying practice and ended it with some practice of warping from target to target while attacking at the same time. Once the sun began to rise, I made everything I was using vanish and warped back inside my home. The exhaustion didn't properly hit me until I was inside my kitchen to where I was immediately kneeling and trying to catch my breath.

         "Hey are you alright?!" Himiko said as she walked over to me and helped me up.

         "I, I'm ok. Just a little tired. What're you doing up so early, you don't have to be up for another hour." I said as I forced myself to stand on my own.

         "I could say the same to you mister. I've been up ever since you have, I can't really break away from my natural instincts from when I was with the league so when I heard you get out of bed, it made me curious enough to stay awake. Plus, if you swing a blade fast enough, it makes a very distinct sound in the air that only people who often use bladed weapons can easily hear. I was able to trace the sound to where you were outside and I watched you in awe at what you were able to do with your quirk." She explained to me as she handed me some water.

         "So then how were you able to get inside before me and inside your room without me hearing you?" I asked as I took the water from her.

         "Remember when I told you that I was fast on my feet? I'm also incredibly quiet on my feet. Speaking of fast, how fast do you think you could teach me to be as skilled as you are with your quirk?" Himiko asked me in excitement.

         "I have no idea. I'm not a teacher by any means nor did I ever think anyone would be able to copy my quirk. Even if I did try teaching you, there's no knowing how long it would take given that your quirk runs on a timer."

         "Christin, how long would teaching her take?"

         "Well, for starters she would need much more than a mere syringe full of blood to even get close to what you just did. We also don't know how far her mental capacity to multi-task or multi-think goes. The only thing I know for certain is that she can conjure that weapon she used during the exam, she can swing around in the same manner you do, and that she can warp a grand total of seven feet. At a rough estimate, it would take several months for her to just to warp as well as you can. As for the blood, if you knew how to just make it, the amount she'd need wouldn't be a problem." He explained.

         "Oh well that sucks..." She dejectedly said.


         "You bastard, can you even do that?"

         "All she would have to do is grant me some degree of control. At the very least enough for me to assist her in her copying of your quirk. I know she felt my presence when she drank your blood and when she first copied you." Christin said with a tone that I very much hated.

         "Himiko, can you deactivate your quirk whenever you want?"

         "Yeah, are you scared he might take control of me to do whatever he wants?" She asked as some of the color left her face.

         "I am but right now he's just messing with us. He doesn't actually have any intention to take control of your like his ancestors did, he's just using that tone of voice to his advantage."

         "Oh you poor child, if you could see the lack of color in your face right now." Christin said as he tried to hold his laughter back.

         "Ugh, you jerk!" Himiko said as she got readied her hand to slap Christin but I stopped and reminded her that she'd be hitting me and not him.

         Once that was all said and done, we took our showers, ate our breakfast and made our way to school. As we were on our way, I was reminded of the phone call last night and that I should be expecting an apology from Bakugo. Honestly, I'm not expecting him to give it to me since he, for whatever reason hates me and that I know it won't be genuine. I learned to stop expecting apologies a long time ago. As long as he doesn't bother me and I do a good job of not interacting with him unless I have to, I'll be fine.

         Just as we made it to the school, we were greeted at the gate by Midoriya, Uraraka, Yaoyoruzu and Ashido. It turns out that they were waiting for us to arrive because they were worried that neither of us would show up given how the yesterday ended. We walked to class together and Himiko flashed me a smile that read "Today will be a better day."

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