Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Himiko's POV

         It's been a few weeks since school started, almost seven now, and it seems that everyone has finally become nearly fully comfortable with Vincent and I being here. During that time, I've had to take a lot of time readjusting to the life of a student given that I hadn't been in a proper school setting in so long. Not only that, Vincent, and by proxy myself, has become friends with nearly everyone in the class. The only exceptions being Todoroki given that he doesn't go out of his way to talk in class let alone socialize and Bakugo because he still irrationally hates Vincent. It was a chore and a half waiting for him to apologize to Vincent as per All Might's order to do so. It literally took him thirty full minutes for him to properly apologize to him, which in turn wasted thirty minutes of class. Speaking of class, the exercises and assignments we've done have been very interesting to say the least. We've had regular tests on everything ranging from our deductive ability, physical prowess to managing our strengths and weaknesses with our quirks. Everyone except for Vincent that is and the only reason that we're continually given is that they've yet to construct a proper testing field for his quirk's capabilities. Instead, when it's time for quirk testing, he has to write very detailed reports on a given subject related to his quirk. He's had to have written at least twenty of them by now and they should have enough data for him to be tested. I'm a little jealous that he doesn't have to participate in those.

         On the topic of jealousy... Yaoyorozu and Vincent more or less have the same quirk at a matter of technicality if you ask me and I remember very vividly that when those two were getting to know each other and she asked him about his quirk, she was taking very obvious mental notes. Well, I should clarify that it was obvious to me because Vincent didn't seem to notice that she was doing such a thing. Due to my time spent in the League, I've learned how to pick up on the faintest of features in someone's face to get a grip on what they're thinking or planning on doing. There's also been times where for a split second, she would adapt an incredibly bitter look on her face whenever she'd see Vincent use his quirk for something or he would talk about it with Midoriya. She's also taken this...odd partial obsession with trying to inquire about his quirk at any given chance she gets. It's nothing like my child-like curiosity for it, it's as if she's trying to figure out how to make her quirk better than his.

         On the subject of quirks, through watching and eventually participating in Vincent's morning practice with his quirk, I've gained a better understanding of my own limitations and some of the technical aspects of his own. I've also learned how to warp up to forty feet without it causing myself that much stress and I can do a few shorter warps in quick succession before I can't do it anymore. Vincent, per recommendation of Christin, had begun teaching me his family's fighting style and how to adapt to certain situations with ease as long as I was copying his quirk. Vincent himself has slowly become more and more open with me and our other friends. He's much less walled off and reclusive than what he was when we first met, he laughs, smiles and talks a lot more. Sometimes even more than his normal much to my surprise. Both of us have been learning to trust other people more and while I can't fully speak for him, I've slowly been becoming more open to the thought that everyone doesn't hate and won't judge me too harshly for my past. Uraraka helped me realize that after a pretty serious yet meaningful conversation we had.

         "Hey, you gonna eat or what?" Vincent nudged me as he got up from his desk.

         "Damn, is it time for lunch already?" I said as I stretched and got up.

         "Sure is Ms. Daydreamer. I can tell when you're drifting off to space you know. Hurry up, today is Katsu and Udon day." Vincent said as he did his best to respectfully rush me outside the classroom.

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