Chapter 9

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         What did he just say? Why would he tell a group of aspiring heroes that except for two of us, most likely referring to Vincent and I, that they don't have the capacity to become a hero? Is this some sick method of inspiring us to do our best for whatever exercise he's about to have us do? I looked over to Vincent and his face remained neutral, but his eyes were saying that he has no idea what's going on.

         "If you think you can prove me wrong then show me the unwavering courage that a hero would have. Follow me." Aizawa said with what seemed like disgust in his voice and started walking away from us.

         "Vincent, what do you think he's going to have us do?" I asked as soon as I caught up to him.

         "I'm going to assume that since he said something about courage, he's going to purposely put us in some hellish situations. Here, take this." He said as he handed me a vial.

         "Is this your... when did you do this? How did you do this?" I stammered out as I held a vial of his blood in my hand. This is enough for me to take his form and copy his quirk.

         "Don't ask questions right now, just know that I did it while he was talking. Both of us are already assuming that we'll have to use our quirks and since yours requires an outside source of energy and since I'm the only one you know here; it makes sense for me to help you. Doesn't it?" Vincent said as he made a bandage to put on his arm.

         "Will you be ok though? You won't have any adverse effects from doing this will you?" I asked him after he finished putting the bandage on.

         "Yeah, I'll be fine. If I had tried to create blood instead of draining it from my arm, I'd more than likely have a crippling headache right now since I don't know how to make actual blood. You don't need to worry about me. How long will that last you though?"

         "This much will last me the entire day if I drink all of it right now and I don't go overboard with copying your quirk. Speaking of that, all I have do is imagine something and it'll just show up right?" I asked for clarity on how his quirk was used.

         "In short terms yes but I don't know if you'd be able to copy my quirk because, unlike me, you don't have a ghost inhabiting your body remember? It's because of the ghost that I can use my quirk." Vincent explained.

        "Well if it's as much a part of your DNA as it is your very being, I should be able to copy it at a much lower scale right?" I asked with hope in my voice.

         "Again, I don't know and there's only one way to find out if you can. You should probably drink that now before things get out of control and you wind up losing it."

         He's right, I asked if he would be ok with me drinking this in front of him, to which he responded that I already drank from him, so nothing makes this any different. I still find it weird how ok he was with that happening but it's in the past now. I opened the vial and for a second, I felt that repulsive, animalistic hunger come up and try to take over. I felt my teeth grow and sharpen, my eyes were widening, my mouth was watering, and my face got hot. Vincent must have noticed me hungrily staring at it and he shook me to snap me out of it. I hurriedly drank his blood and did my best to ignore the taste but as much as I tried, I couldn't ignore the sweet cinnamon taste of it. Once it was all gone, I felt something that was a surge of electricity, a strong feeling of sadness and a faint sense of strength circling around inside me. This is weird, I've never felt this when I consumed someone else's blood before.

         "If my blood was that bad, I would have added some sugar to it. You don't have to look so disappointed you know." Vincent said as he tapped my shoulder.

         I grabbed his sleeve and asked him if he was ok to which he responded that he was, but I didn't believe him, and I asked him again while looking him in the eyes. He was about to answer until I saw that other people were looking at us and whispering to themselves. We have been purposely walking at the very back of the group for a while now. I told Vincent that we need to talk when we got out of school today and walked back up to where the girls were.

Vincent's POV

         I hope that small amount is enough to help her get through whatever the hell Aizawa is about to put us through. On that note, I hope I don't have to push myself today. I forgot my medicine at home and if I must go above and beyond with my quirk, I'm going to be in a lot of pain afterwards. Hopefully, it won't be anything too insane.

         "Hey, my man, what's the deal between you and her? You've been super close to each other since we got here? You got history or something?" A boy with yellow hair and a black streak said.

         "What? I don't know if I should be telling you all that... Wait, who are you again?" I asked him not remembering who he was. Then again, I wasn't really paying attention to roll call anyway.

         "Aw you forgot me already. I'm Denki Kaminari. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He said as he extended his hand for me to shake.

         "Ah, I'm sorry for forgetting. I have a lot of things on my mind. I'm Vincent Christin Mikasuki. Though I'm still not telling you if she and I have history." I said as I shook his hand.

         'Although we do, it's only a few days of history anyway...'

         Kaminari and some of the other guys in the class made small talk with me as we continued to follow the instructor to wherever he was leading us. It was a little overwhelming, but I think I did a good job of hiding it. The only ones that didn't participate in the growing conversation were Katsuki Bakugo, the one who called Midoriya a 'quirkless bastard' and Shoto Todoroki. He hadn't said a single word to anyone since he got here. Wonder what his problem is.

         "Alright fledglings. We're here." Aizawa said as he finally stopped walking.

         Is this a replica of the city designed as a training area? Wait, what's that noise, why is the ground shaking and what sounds like mechanical footsteps in the distance?

         "Your task is to destroy as many of these training robots and score as many points as you can within thirty minutes. The smaller robots are worth one point, the medium sized robots are worth two and the large robots are worth three. They are authorized to be lethal and they will attack you and if you aren't careful then you know what will happen. I'm not going to come help you if you find yourself in danger. It's up to you to make whatever calls you want when it comes to saving others; this is a test of courage after all. However, you are not allowed to explicitly attack or hinder your classmates in order to get an advantage, you will be marked down if you do this. There are cameras everywhere in this field. I'm not answering any questions. Go up to that white line and wait for my signal to start." Aizawa explained to us just before he went into a nearby building, I'm assuming to watch how we perform on this exercise.

         Oh hell, I wasn't expecting to fight anything today. If I keep things simple when it comes to destroying these things, I shouldn't wind up with a headache. I just hope that Himiko can copy my quirk without any serious side effects. As I approached the starting line, Himiko and I made eye contact and nodded at each other and we silently wished each other good luck.

         "On your mark, get set, go!" Aizawa said over the field's speaker systems.

         When he said go, I immediately warped to the top of the closest building only to jump off it to make a wire to swing to the next one over. I'm going to give this my best shot if I want to succeed here.

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