Chapter 5

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         We entered the room and were greeted by a creature that I don't know how to describe. It looked like a bear, dog, and mouse mixed into one being. I wanted to ask what they were supposed to be but I'm not here for that. Taking our seats, I noticed that it wasn't just All Might in the room along with the principal. There was a man that desperately looked like he needed a year's worth of sleep, a man with an absurdly tall mohawk, and a woman in a skin-tight outfit.

         "Thank you for welcoming m- us, to your school. My name is Vincent Christin Mikasuki." I manage to say without stuttering though I'm sure I was failing at hiding my shaking legs.

         "I'm H-H-Himiko T-Toga."

         She's just as nervous as I am. If her legs were bells, I would have been driven mad by now.

         "Rest assured, we know who you are along with what you have and haven't done. Try not to be too nervous for we just have a few questions for you to answer." Nezu said with this almost eerie level of kindness in his voice. Is this how Toga feels when I'm nice to her? It feels like he'll snap his fingers and our throats will be slit before we'd realize what happened.

         "Starting with you Ms. Toga," Nezu took a moment to take a sip of whatever was in his cup, "Why were you with the League of Villains and what made you quit working with them?"

         Toga froze in place as if she had just turned to stone and all the color left her face. Admittedly, I was curious to know why but what was more important was keeping her on track. I put my hand on her shoulder and lightly shook her to get her to refocus. She took a glance at All Might and I before giving her reasons.

         "I joined them because they gave me a sense of belonging when I needed it most. They didn't demonize me because of my quirk, nor did they treat me the scum of the earth whenever I asked a question that even slightly opposed theirs. About a week after my parents disowned me, I was approached by this strange shadowy figure that told me that there were others just like me. Despised, unwanted and hated by the world. Being desperate for someone to look at me like a person, I foolishly went along with him and that's when I met the others." Toga paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

         "There was a kid that had these hands all over him, there was a guy who had differing personalities, the shadowy figure I mentioned earlier and this grotesque thing that had it's brain exposed. At first, I was as scared of them as I am nervous in this room right now but, over time I felt comfortable around them. I felt like I had a family again. However, the more time I spent with them, I started to realize how demented they really were. It started with strange comments, odd glances, more violent acts and an irrational hatred towards heroes. The guy with the hands, Shiguraki, said that he wanted to murder all heroes and that there isn't a single good one on the planet. The way he said it, his voice was laced with pure venom, it terrified me. Then, I noticed I was being watched and always shadowed even when we weren't terrorizing people. They kept pushing me to kill, harm, consume and they violated me a few times when I said no." Toga started to frantically shake after she said she was violated. 

         The more she shook, the angrier I got, and I felt something tugging at me trying to get my attention. I grit my teeth and my nervousness was slowly turning into rage so much so that I had to avert my gaze to keep myself from acting on impulse. I took a deep breath of my own and when I felt calm enough, I looked at her then everyone else in the room. The adults in the room were looking at me with partial concern on their faces.

         "Why are all of you looking at me?"

         "Kid, your eye was in the process of catching fire. It was, quite literally, glowing and sparking." The tired man said to me with widened eyes.

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