Chapter 15

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            Ch. 15

Himiko PoV

         "Y-you're joking right? I'm the next be-" Bakugo started to go on about how he was the best again but Aizawa cut him off.

         "Stop talking. Based off the scores from yesterday's exercise, you're the most villainous person in the room. I told you all about collecting points as your destroyed the robots, I also mentioned that it was up to you if you chose to rescue someone in danger. What I didn't say is that rescuing people would have also gotten you points based on the severity of the event and even though I did say that going out of your way to hinder other people's progress would have gotten you marked down, that also, got you points. Points in the selfish/glory hound category." Aizawa stated.

         After he said that, he proceeded to read off everyone's scores saving Vincent's, Midoriya, Uraraka and my scores for last. The class was surprised when they heard that Vincent and I had the highest scores and some people appeared to be glad for us while a few others didn't look pleased at all.

         "Now I'm certain that you all have questions about the scoring system but I'm not going to answer them. I don't feel like it. What I will address is a now ex League of Villains member being in the room and being enrolled in UA. Simply put, it was All Might's call to have her be here. He was the one who saw an underlying spirit of heroism in her, alongside seeing it in Mikasuki, he asked her if she wanted to change her lifestyle, she accepted and now she's here. Does anyone that isn't Bakugo have questions or comments on her or Mikasuki being here?"

         When Aizawa finished talking, there was a tense silence in the room as some people looked around at each other and snuck a few glances at Vincent and I. We looked at each other, uncertainty written on his face and I'm sure that nervousness was written on mine.

         "I, have something I'd like to say." Said a girl with wonderful black hair with a portion of it draped over her face.

         She turned to us and said: "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. I don't know of any of the crimes that you may have committed while you were working with the League but I am fully aware of the terror they have wrought throughout the city. I won't lie and say that you being in this room doesn't make me nervous nor will I say that simply because you're my classmate that I will wholeheartedly trust you. However, if you truly are here to turn your life around and do better than what you used to be, then I will support you as best as I can. As for you Mikasuki-san, I've seen and heard plenty of things on the internet about you and what people say you are. After seeing you perform admirably in the exam, I am ashamed that, for a moment, I believed what they said. I wish to see the both of you succeed."

         When she finished talking, it may have been the lighting but when she turned around, it looked like she was frowning. After she spoke, everyone else, except Bakugo, more or less said that they didn't feel very comfortable with the two of us being there but if All Might chose to make the offer to us then it's not too bad. I was given the chance to properly introduce myself to the class and I purposely left out certain details because I didn't want them to know all my business but I said what I had to say and I took my seat. Everyone else introduced themselves and it went relatively well until Bakugo once again began voicing his outrage at Vincent and I being there.

         As the day went on, classes were fine minus Bakugo constantly interrupting Vincent whenever he spoke up to answer a question. It was hard enough for him to do that and the interruptions eventually made Vincent stop bothering to answer. Lunch time went well, given that Midoriya and Uraraka chose to eat with Vincent and I. However, the end of the day was when the growing tensions spilled over when Vincent was harshly shoved to the ground after we were told we could leave.

         "Why, do you hate me so much? I don't even know you! I just met you yesterday and you act as if you've known about me for your entire life and like I've done all these heinous crimes against you specifically." Vincent said as he stood up to face Bakugo.

         "It's not what you did, it's what everyone before you did! You come from a family of those Phantom people and all of them turned out to be evil in the end! So, what's to say you won't follow the status quo?!" Bakugo shouted back.

         "You know nothing about us, you're basing your hatred of me based off my ancestors who aren't us, you literally hate me because of things that have nothing to do with me!" Vincent shouted back, his eye was starting to flicker and began to float above the ground. I hadn't seen him do that since the first day I met him when he was getting angry with me.

         "Hey, leave him alone! He hasn't done anything to you to make you this angry with him. Stop being an asshole and go away already!" I shouted at Bakugo while standing in front of Vincent to try and hold him back.

         "You come from a family of villains and fucked up people, do you really think you can cha-" Every word Bakugo spoke only made Vincent angrier until I heard him call for Christin.

         "Shut your mouth before I shut it for you." Christin spoke as he was now a part of the conversation.

         Vincent's left eye was still yellow, so I assumed that meant he was still there, but his red eye was on fire and he was very clearly floating above the ground now.

         "It's people like you. You're the kind of person who are the reason behind why my life is as hard as it is. It's pathetic how much you hate him." Christin and Vincent spoke as the fire grew larger.

         At this point, the entire class was watching this go down and it only looked like it was going to get worse.

         "H-hey you two, come on he isn't worth it! Please let's just calm down and go home." I said as I grabbed Vincent's arm trying to pull him back to the ground.

         "Don't let him get to you Mikasuki!" Uraraka said as she stood next to Vincent.

          "Hey, Kacchan, leave them alone! What have they done to you?!" Midoriya said as he stood in front of Bakugo.

         "Shut up you quirkless bastar-" Bakugo said as he raised his hand and opened it towards Midoriya.

         "Harm him and I'll make sure you regret it." Suddenly, Vincent and Christin teleported in front of Midoriya, ready to take the full brunt of whatever Bakugo was preparing to do.

         At that point, the rest of the class began to step in to take Vincent's side and stand beside him. They collectively told Bakugo to leave him alone and Yaoyoruzu was the one who addressed him and repeated what Aizawa said about him being on his way to becoming a villain. At that point, he finally decided to shove everyone out of the way and leave. He would have gotten away if he hadn't angrily bumped into All Might who was around the corner listening to the entire event.

         "Young man come with me to my office. The rest of you, take care in making your way home. Young Vince- he's gone..."

         All Might was in the middle of saying something to Vincent but before he could finish, I was suddenly at Vincent's house. Vincent's eye stopped glowing, he wasn't floating anymore, Christin was gone again and Vincent himself...

         He was crying.

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