Chapter 5

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She woke up feeling something hard against her chest. She became nervous all of a sudden realizing that her boss was lying on the same hospital bed with her. She moved her body slightly then he spoke, "You're up already". Then he got up from the bed and looked at her, "Are you hungry?"

She nodded her head faintly.

"Okay, I'll go get us something to eat" he said and left the room. He looked down at his watch and was surprised to see that the time was 5:30 in the evening.

"Damn we slept the whole day" he said while searching for his phone. "It should be in the room" he thought.

When he entered the room, Anna was no where to be found. He knocked the bathroom door severally but there was no response. He searched the passageway and she was not there either. "Where could she be?" he wondered. Then he went back to check the bathroom again. This time he didn't knock, he just opened the door and was pale by what he saw.

Anna was lying on the floor, lifeless. He rushed up to her and her body was cold. "Anna" he called out while lifting her up. He placed her on the bed and went in search of Dr Kelly. Good a thing he was not busy. They went to the room and the doctor ran series of check on her. He revived her and put an Oxygen mask on her face. Then he connected a drip to her hand.

"I think she hit her head against somewhere hard. She has a skull fracture and might not be able to recall the last thing that happened before she fell down but when she wakes, I'll still check on her to know if she's okay" he said giving Ben a pat on his back then he left.

He sat down quietly beside her, staring and blaming himself "If I had not gone to get the food, none of these would have happened. I simply would have just called Katherine my secretary to get some food and a change of clothes. Why did I let this happen?" He looked at her innocent face then said "I'm sorry I let this happen to you. I'm really sorry".

He sat on the chair beside her bed and held her hands lightly silently praying for her to revive.  "Anna please don't leave me. I'm sorry I let this happen to you" he said almost sobbing.

The whole evening he didn't leave her side. He answered a few phone calls but never left. It was nighttime already and she still hadn't woken up. 

He called for a doctor to check on her and just as he was about to check her pulse and heart beat, she moved slightly. Ben noticed it but thought it was his imagination since the doctor did not see anything. Again she moved and this time it was real. Immediately Dr Kelly was contacted and he came. The first doctor had an appointment so he let Dr Kelly take care of her.

She slowly opened her eyes and although her vision was blurry, she saw a pair of blue eyes staring at her. It was the first time she saw Ben without his glasses. "Ben" she said with her voice hoarse. He walked up to her side and held her hands while the doctor ran series of tests on her.

"Anna how are you feeling now?" the doctor asked.

"I'm fine."

"Do you have any idea as to what happened before you blacked out?"

"Hmm... I wanted to freshen up when I missed my step and fell down, I think? I can't remember what happened after then" she replied innocently to which the doctor returned with a shocked expression.

"Hmm...rare though. Most patients tend to not remember at all. This is a different case" he said surprised as he wrote things down on a file. "Do you feel any pain?"

"Yes, my head and shoulders hurts"

"Okay, I'll prescribe some drugs for you to ease the pain".
She nodded and a nurse was brought in to take care of her while Ben followed Kelly.

"I've observed that Anna is very weak and needs proper supervision for the main time. Here's a list of drugs you'll buy along with the first set of drugs I prescribed to you earlier on. Go to the pharmacy and give them the two lists. Ensure she takes the drugs effectively and at the right time okay?" 

"Okay Kelly. I will make sure nothing happens to her. Thank you".

"No problem. What are family for?" he shrugged.


Ben went back to Anna's room with the drugs and saw her lying on the bed all freshened up. He signalled for the nurse to leave and she left. 

"Anna how are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine. Are those mine?" she asked pointing at the bag.

"Yeah" he said and handed the drugs to her along with a glass of water. After that, she began eating the food he bought from the cafeteria.

"Dr Kelly said you're to be kept under strict observation for the main time so you'll move in with me until you're fully recovered" he said after she swallowed her food. She chocked on the water she was drinking and allowed it flow down her mouth, eyes wide open.

She laughed hard "You're joking right?" She immediately noticed the seriousness on his face and became sober all of a sudden "uhh.. I mean uhh you really want me to live... with you? Under the same roof?" He shrugged. "But why?" she asked puzzled.

"The doctor said you need to be taken good care of and avoid stressing out"

"But I have an apartment and a roommate to take care of me"

"It doesn't mean she'll be free always to take care of you and–"

"I can take care of myself Ben. I don't need any assistance. Besides, you'll be at work all day so you'll not be chanced to take care of me." She said in a 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone.

The room fell silent and they stared at each other for minutes "You're coming with me" he said breaking the silence. After much protesting, she finally conceded.

The evening of the next day, Ben signed the discharge papers. The drive was silent but before he went home, she asked to be taken to the club to get her old things. "I'll get you new ones."

"No.. I need my stuffs"

He knew he couldn't win the argument so he agreed to take her there for the LAST TIME.

It was nighttime already and the club was crowded. She avoided so many people's gaze and just focused on getting her purse. She didn't intend on running into her boss or any of the waiters and strippers there but lo and behold she met Angelina, one of her co-waiters before she was PROMOTED. She asked Angelina if her previous room was still vacant and she said yes. She hurried to the room and was so glad to find her purse at the side of the bed.

She grabbed it and was about to leave when a pair of strong arms held hers. She was startled by the sudden action and quickly defended herself. She was unable to pin him down and was surprised when she saw who it was. It was the same creep that had been stalking her since the day she returned back from her surgery. She tilted her head and there was no one around to save her.

"I've finally found you" he said laughing hysterically.

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