Chapter 24

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**Anna and Ben got married**



Anna's POV...

"I am due already but I guess my labor hasn't started then. Dr Johnson said it's normal but just to be on the safe side, I'll be going to the hospital today and won't be back till I've delivered. I don't like taking risk." I said my voice now deep due to the pregnancy. I'm so heavy now and I can barely stand for a second without my legs going numb.

"Pregnancy is so stressful. Damn!" Ella exclaimed as she coaxed her stomach. She got married to Jones three weeks after my wedding and now she's seven months pregnant. "I mean seriously, how are you able to endure this sh*t? It is so darn stressful. If I had my way, I would have gone to the hospital and told them to deliver the child prematurely. I'm seven months already, so it's safe, right? But Jones won't let me" she groaned and pulled at her hair.

"Well you have to comply with his decision." Ella has never really liked stress just like me but she's worse.

"Arrrgh" I screamed as I felt a piercing pain in my stomach.

"Are you alright?" she asked holding me by the waist.

"Yeah, I think the baby just kicked." The pain gradually subsided "It's just a slight contraction."

"I'll call Ben" She dug her hands into her purse and dialed Ben's number. I stood from the bed and started walking and pacing the room trying to exercise my body for easy delivery. Ella called for Ms Williams and they both helped me take my luggage to the car. The drive was so long as I felt another sharp pain.

"Where's Ben?"

"He said he'll meet us at the hospital"

"Hmm" I breathed in and out continuously until I felt myself beginning to calm down.

Soon we were at the hospital and I managed to walk to the labor room. A nurse checked me and said it's a false contraction. She said I was 8cm dilated and advised I walked about until the real contractions came.

I started walking down the long hall and back. When I was at the seventh walk, I felt another sharp pain as I clenched my fists against the wall and held my stomach.

"Baby are you okay?" Ben asked as he approached me and held my waist firmly.

I shook my head vigorously "No. Ben I need to use the toilet."

"Oh my God" He said his eyes widening in fear and confusion. "NURSE" he shouted as two nurses rushed up to me.

"I want to use the toilet" I wailed as the pain kept increasing.

"The baby is kicking. Get the doctor" one of the nurses said as she helped me into the ward and on the bed.

"Ben! I can't do this" I cried against his chest as he tried comforting me. Within seconds nurses and doctors were flying in and out of the room.

"You'll be alright" Ben whispered as the doctor checked me.

"You're in labor and your dilation is 9.8cm. So you're safe to deliver. Push!"

"Arrghhhhhh" I was panting and squeezing Ben's hands tightly.

"Baby you can do this. Push one more time."


"Very good! The head is out. Push again."

"Arghhhhhhhhhhh" Soon the cry of a baby boomed across the room and Ben jumped up in joyful celebration.

A nurse handed the baby over to me "What sex is it?" She asked me as I took the baby into my arms with so much love.

"It's a boy" I said in almost a squeak. "An adorable boy."

Ben's joy could no longer be contained as he screamed "It's a boy! Yes! A boy!"

"What name will we give him?" I asked him with so much love.

"I don't know, why don't you choose."

"Hmm... I love the name, Alfred. Alfred Walker."

"It's perfect, I love it!" He squealed like a girl. I felt my body growing heavy and my eyes also as the nurse slowly took the baby from me and I fell into a deep sleep.



Ben's POV...

I stood by the seashore with my two year old son, Alfred in my arms. I reminisced how I've been living in hell for the past two years without having my Anna with me anymore.

I would've ended my life a long time ago but if I did, Anna would never forgive me. I had a course, a purpose to live and it's all because of my son. I would never let my son be an orphan because of my insecurities. I have to live, for him and for my Anna.

She had been in coma for two years now since she put to bed and hasn't for once moved her fingers. Dr Kelly told me she can't continue to survive on oxygen. Not that he doesn't believe in miracles, but it's been too long. It's either I let her still live on oxygen or I let the Doctors remove it.

I think it will be best if the oxygen plug is removed but I'm not too sure about that decision.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as a familiar ringtone boomed into thin air causing my pants for vibrate.

I dug my hand into my pants and brought out my phone and the caller ID read 'DR KELLY'. I hope this news is not as sad as the last one.


"Mr Walker, good morning. I have good news for you. Your wife is out of coma. You can visit her now."

Without responding I rushed to the car, kept Alfred in his baby car seat and drove off to the hospital.


I quickly rushed to her room to see her laying on the bed with her sea blue eyes staring intently at me. "Baby, oh my love, my love" I cried "You're awake. I missed you so much." I said in tears as I pulled her into a deep embrace but she pushed me away, her face void of any emotions.




"Sorry, who are you?"



Uh-ooh! What just happened?😱

Anna is out of coma but doesn't remember her husband? Oops!😨😨😨

We've finally arrived at the end of the book, Her Boss by Darker_she. Yay!

Please vote, comment and share this book, please🙏.

If there will be a sequel, I don't know yet. But for now, bye guys😘😘


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