Chapter 20

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"CALL AN AMBULANCE RIGHT NOW. ANNA WAKE UP" were the words I could make out as darkness enveloped me.



Few minutes later the ambulance was in the premises and I got in the back as we drove off to the hospital. They wore her an oxygen mask and fixed a drip to her body. I held her hand firmly "Hold on Kitten please, I still need you. Be strong for our baby please".

The drive to the hospital was the longest drive ever and her body was still beside me. With every second, she was getting even more pale. "Anna please don't leave me please, I'm helplessly praying Kitten. Be strong." I whispered into her ears as they rolled her away and shut the door. "Let me in!" I commanded as the nurse banged the door against me. "Oh God I'm worried. I'm going insane".

Shortly after, Dr Kelly stepped out of the ward. "Doc what's wrong with her?"

"She has a fever. But she will be fine. See me in my office please."

"Okay" I followed him down to his office and sat. He cleared his throat before proceeding.

"Fevers during pregnancy are never normal, so an exam is always recommended. Luckily, if the fever was caused by a viral illness, hydration and Tylenol are usually enough for recovery. But if the cause is bacterial, an antibiotic is often needed which at times could cause pregnancy complications. After her exam was conducted, we realized that hers was caused by a viral illness so all she needs do is get adequate rest, always stay hydrated and she should take her Tylenol at least twice a day. She should never take aspirin or ibuprofen during her pregnancy period. It could cause complications. One more thing, she shouldn't get involved in tiresome activities. That's all." I glanced at him as negative thoughts ran through my head.

"She will be fine Ben, relax okay? Both her and the baby are in good condition, no need to be worried. By the way, she should book an appointment with Dr Johnson, he's the hospital's obstetrician and he is very skilled."

"Okay Doc. Thank you so much"

"No problem" we did a bro hug before I left his office.


When I got to her room, she was awake. "Kitten?" She slowly turned her head and her eyes met mine. Her sea blue eyes were now hazy and swollen like she's been... crying? Worry clouding her features as I approached her, "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I asked as I held her hands in mine but she flinched at the contact and it hurt as hell. I tried to cup her face in my hands but she turned her face away. "Kitten what's wrong? You're scaring me."

She tried speaking but she couldn't form a single word as she burst into tears "M.. my ba—by"

"Ssh... It's okay Kitten. Stop crying. You're fine and so is our baby. It's just a little fever. You're my strong Kitten okay? Don't worry yourself too much. You're fine." I reassured her but it sounded more like I was reassuring myself. I got on the bed and pulled her to lean on my chest. Her body was so hot due to the fever but it was warm enough for my cold body. I gently soothed her hair until her body started feeling heavy against mine. I looked down at her sleeping figure as I adjusted her on the bed so she'll be comfortable. I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and watched her for a while. She looks so innocent when she's asleep. Her chest rising up and down as she breathed slowly. Her lashes were so long, always have been. Her nose were pointed and her lips... damn those sexy pink lips drives me crazy anytime I look at them although now pale pink but still sexy. I slowly kissed her forehead and she smiled in her sleep. I held her tightly against my chest and quickly drifted off into sleep.


I was woken up by the sound of vibration on my pants. I reached down and looked at the caller ID 'Unknown'. "Hello, Mr Walker speaking" I tried to be as quiet as possible to avoid waking her up.

"Ben it's Ella. I just heard from Jones about Anna's condition. What happened to her?"

"It's... it's nothing really. She's fine now."

"Can I talk to her?"

"Uhh she's sleeping at the moment"

"Oh... uhh I just wanted to know how she's doing? What really happened to her Ben? I've known Anna for too long to know she's not a frequent hospital goer."

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat before replying her, "When we got back from the airport, she started throwing up and she looked really pale. I wanted to take her to the hospital but she claimed she was fine. All of a sudden she just... she slumped  and was rushed to the hospital. She was checked and turns out she had a fever but proper hydration and Tylenol will help her recover faster, so the doctor said."

"Okay, so how's the baby? No complications of any sort?" She sounded worried and from the look of things, Anna held a precious place in her heart. It's so nice to see the love and care she felt for Anna.

"The baby is fine and it's also healthy. No complications at all."

"Ahh! That's good." She exclaimed. "That's wonderful. So when will she be discharged?"

"Tomorrow. Probably some time around late afternoon I guess."

"Nice... I'll drop by the hospital tomorrow to see her. Please tell her I said she should get well soon and take care of her for me."

"I definitely will."

"Thank you"

"My pleasure" I said as I ended the call.

She stirred in her sleep and asked groggily, "Who was that?"

"Ella. She said you should get well soon."

"Okay" and she went back to sleep. Shortly after, I fell asleep also.


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