Beta Gabriel Lodge.
Beta to one of the most feared men in the country whilst being a terrifying one himself.
He's not really sure what drew him to choose Adelaide as a mate. Maybe it was her soft beauty or her strong soul. All he knew is that when...
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is unrequited love better than not loving at all?
be nice in the comments please :)
The rest of my birthday was spent with Gabriel asking me what I wanted for dinner. He let me choose because it was my birthday. I told him I just wanted a pizza so we ordered in and then ate it in awkward silence.
Afterwards he said something about me cooking dinner for him every night and how he needed it by the time he got home which was normally six.
I almost threw hands but I wasn't going to fight it.
I was a wimp and I didn't dare start an argument with him. Besides cooking would give me something to do when I wasn't talking to Lilly.
He told me I couldn't leave the house by myself and I could only go with Lilliana if I we wanted to do something.
I think the part that I found the most weird was that fact that he told me all of this with a large slice of pepperoni pizza in his hand and stone hard stare.
How could he look so normal?
He then ate the entire slice in three bites. And then he ate the whole pizza leaving two slices for me.
Right now I was in the process of washing the dishes. The necklace he gave me was still around my neck and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
It was awfully nice for someone like him.
I had heard that three rogues has trespassed on Alpha Donnelly's land and he ripped out their throats on Alpha Donnelly's order.
Alpha Donnelly's then took the bodies to their families and made them look at the bodies while he killed them.
Right now Gabriel was upstairs, getting ready to sleep probably. My stomach dropped when I realized I had to share a bed with him.