Beta Gabriel Lodge.
Beta to one of the most feared men in the country whilst being a terrifying one himself.
He's not really sure what drew him to choose Adelaide as a mate. Maybe it was her soft beauty or her strong soul. All he knew is that when...
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favorite Disney Princess? ***
I picked up my phone to call Lilly and ask if she wanted to go to the store with me. After Gabriel left I went downstairs to get breakfast only to be met with empty cupboards.
There was some food but it mainly uncooked burgers or steak. There were some eggs but if I was going to cook dinner for this man and myself I would need more than meat and eggs.
"Hey Addy,"
"Do you want to go to the store with me? I feel like we should go on an adventure."
"Do you even know where the store is?"
"It's somewhere in the town shops down there and besides they're not here to get mad at us."
"They're office is down there."
"But they won't know that we're down there."
The phone was silent for a few minutes.
"I am really bored already so I don't see why not,"
"Yes! Thank you,"
"Also I'm supposed to be with you wherever I go?"
"Yeah I'm supposed to like, protect you?"
She let out a laugh.
"No shade towards you but we have the same strength I'm not really sure what good you protecting me would do,"
I shrugged my shoulders even though she wasn't there. She had a point however. We were roughly the same size.
"I'll pick you up in an hour?"
"Sounds good,"
We said our goodbyes and then I went up the stairs to shower and get ready. I decided on just wearing the necklace and not the hoodie for today. Even though it smelled really nice, I still felt kind of weird wearing his clothing. I mean, we had only met yesterday.
I clasped the gold chain around my neck and stared at it in the mirror. Ever since our lovely conversation this morning I had come to the conclusion that Gabriel didn't give me the necklace out of kindness in is his, but more the possessiveness in his nature.
The necklace was the show people that I belonged to him, a mark before he actually marked me.
I shivered at the thought of Gabriel marking me, sinking his canines into my neck and forever making me his.
Get a grip Addy.
I shook off the thought and went to pick up Lilly. It felt like it had been ages since I last saw her. I drove to Alpha Donnelly's house and she instantly opened the front door and ran into the car. She didn't seem any different but she did smell a bit different.
"What cologne is that?" I asked and looked at her.
A blush tinged at her cheeks, "It's Kaden's cologne. He made me spray it on my scrunchie,"
I wiggled my eyebrows a the escalation in their relationship, "Kaden?"
She gave a knowing look, "You're wearing 'Gabriel' around your neck. You can't say anything," and then buckled her seat belt.
I felt my own cheeks heat up a little and smirked at me.
I drove to the small town below and Lilly looked at all the buildings through the window. Mainly it was just townhouses, but after a few turns we found the shops. Pack members were walking around, working or just living their lives.
After a few more minutes of driving we came to what we thought was a park, but then we looked a little closer in the distance and realized it was a training ground. I looked a little closer and saw Alpha Donnelly and Gabriel.
They were both still in suits, looking as stern and smart as ever, watching the warriors train with straight faces, occasionally turning into distaste or disappointment if one wolf didn't have the right form.
"Okay, I know they look good, but can we stop staring because I'm really hungry,"
Lilly's words broke me out of my trance and I turned the car around to find parking by the grocery store. We walked inside and started our mission to stock up our pantries.
"Do you think he's a romaine lettuce or iceberg lettuce type guy?" I asked her, holding the leaving vegetables in my hands.
"Iceberg," she nodded and then picked up a bag of apples.
We walked around the store, seeing what we would need, our shoes clicking against the linoleum floor. No one else was in there besides the people that worked there so it was quiet except for us.
"So, do you know what you're going to do for your wedding?" Lilly asked.
I stopped walking and my grasp on the cart tightened. I felt my stomach sink. I had no idea what she was talking about and I think the horror I felt inside manifested on my face because Lilly's eyes widened at my expression.
"Don't tell me you didn't know."
I didn't respond and just continued to stare at her with wide eyes.
"Oh my goddess Addy. I didn't know he didn't tell you yet. Kaden told me back at the house when we were in your dad's office,"
"W-what do you mean 'married'?" I asked.
I knew. I knew what she meant but I didn't know at the same time.
"In two weeks you're going to marry Beta Lodge and then the day after, I'm going to marry Kaden," she said cautiously.
She looked at me with concern all over her pretty features.
Deep down. I knew this was going to happen. Marrying in front of the pack was a tradition in the Agrios Pack, and many other packs, for the beta and alpha. It was a sign of power, to show that they were stronger now because they had a mate.
Because in the werewolf reality, no is complete without a mate. If you are not complete, you cannot reach your full potential.
But in two weeks?
"It's going to be okay though. We have each other," Lilliana said encouragingly and I smiled at her.
"I mean, I knew it was going to happen, its just a lot of...commitment. It makes it seem so real,"
"Yeah, I know what you mean," Lilly looked down and started playing with her fingers.
She was just as nervous as I was.
*** how would guys feel about a fave reveal lol. Idk if I wanna expose myself like that but I'm curious to know if any of you wanna know what I look like.
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