Beta Gabriel Lodge.
Beta to one of the most feared men in the country whilst being a terrifying one himself.
He's not really sure what drew him to choose Adelaide as a mate. Maybe it was her soft beauty or her strong soul. All he knew is that when...
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happy valentine's day <3 ***
If I bring them the beta female a little early, they won't mind.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
You know when you're dreaming and your alarm goes off, but instead of waking you up immediately the sound of your alarms becomes part of your dream? And then there's that weird rushing feeling where you are brought back to reality and woken up?
I believe that was happening right now, except it wasn't an alarm. It was an incessant beeping that I desperately wanted to stop.
I slowly cracked opened my eyes and realized that I was not where I thought I would be. Then like a ton of bricks, the events of yesterday hit and I realized I was in a hospital, as I probably should me, and that the beeping was one of the machines I was hooked up to.
Slowly, I sat up, ignoring the pain in my ribs. I furrowed my eyebrows at the dizziness I felt from the movement but recovered quickly. I was sweaty and panicky, and suddenly felt very hot. I kicked the blankets off me and tried to calm myself down.
Annoyed at the beeping, I hesitantly 'unplugged' myself from the machine and the beeping increased.
Almost immediately a woman with brown skin and long curly hair burst into the room, alarm in her eyes. Her white lab coat floated around her as she assessed the situation and when she realized I wasn't dead, she relaxed.
She came forward and unhooked the machines, making the beeping stop, before introducing herself.
"Good morning beta female, I'm Dr. Christie."
"Good morning," I smiled back.
"You had quite the night last night," she said and then ran her eyes over the clipboard that in her hands.
Quite the night indeed. Such a night, in which my car was flipped over, probably totalled, witnessed a rogue get hit by a car, and I ended up in the hospital.