Chapter 14

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Rokuro Pov

It's been months since the marriage.Ryogo also left. It's winter now.

These days Benio is a bit sick. She also looks a little pale.She has a low appetite, She hardly eats. So, I forbade her to get out of house until she is better.

It is raining today. I have some work with shimon.

"Benio , I am heading towards the Ikaruga house!" I say loud enough for Benio to hear from our room upstairs.

"Ok. Oh and can you bring me back the 3rd volume of the manga Given?"

"Yeah. I'll try to."

I step out ,my umbrella unopened. The rain water is really cold. I rush towards my car. I get a little wet in my way.

I reach the ikaruga house. I ring the bell.

"I am opening the door. You sit here sayo chan." II hear Mayura screaming.

She opens the door and bows immediately without even seeing that its me.

"Konichiwa.....................Ara,It's you Rokuro?"

"You sound really disappointed seeing me."

"No. Not at all." she says welcoming me in.

"Why are you wet?" she asks.

"Oh,I got wet when I was approaching my car."

"Oh,i see"

"Can you call Shimon please?"

"Yeah sure." she says

"Honey, Rokuro is here." she says out aloud.

"Honey~? " I tease her.

"Shut up you diehard wife fan."

What does that even mean? Only Mayura knows. Oh well. So , Shimon comes. We talk as Mayura was also hearing.

While I was going to leave , Mayura says"Rokuro,wait . I want to visit Benio. Can I come with you?"

I look at shimon. I don't want him to kill me.

"Ummmm how about asking your husband?" I say.

"Can I~~~~~?" she asks with puppy eyes.

"Mmmmhmmm ....sure." he was blushing.

So Mayura accompanies me back.

I stop the car.

"Where are you going?" Mayura asks.

"Benio wants the Given manga volume 3."


I buy the manga and some Ohagi. While I was heading back, I see a beautiful hair clip. So,I buy one and put it in my pocket.

"UwU. Such a loving husband."


We arrive. I open the door and see Benio approaching from the corner of the hallwas, holding onto the pillars and suddenly collapses. I drop the thing in my hand and rush to her.

"Benio......wake up benio!" I say shaking her lightly.

"KINAKO! ARIMORI! WHERE ARE YOU--" I realize that Arimori and Kinako were not home. They were at Tokyo for 10 days. How could I leave her alone!?

I take her to the hospital right away as Mayura accompaies us . It was such a help. It would've been hard for me to think straight if not for her.

We arrive the hospital. They take away Benio to one of the wards to check her. Just then I get a call from the Head exorcist.

"Mushi mush. Rokuro kun, I have received a prophecy that i need to tell you guys. Where are you right now?"

"We are not home. I'll call you once we're home."

"Ok.  Bye bye"

I was tensed . Why would she suddenly collapse!?

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone despite knowing she is ill"

"Calm down" says Mayura.

We were in the hallway. The doctor comes out of the room and says "Who is the relative?"

"I am her husband"

"Are you stupid? Your wife is pregnant and you don't give her a proper meal? No wonder she collaps---"

I rush past her and in the room. I go towards benio. Benio was smiling brightly.

"Rokuro~~. Our child!" she says.

"Mmmmmmhmmm!" I smile.

"Hey, are you crying ?" she asks.

"These are tears of joy!"

"Yeah right."

"Ommedeto Rokuro and benio"

"Thank you Mayura"

"Thank you " says Benio

I hear a handful from the doctor.  It's embrassing. I am already 21. I am not supposed to be scolded!

However,that didn't matter . All that matters is that I am goin g to have a child! <3

I collect Benio's meds, fulfill the discharge form and take Benio home. On the way I drop Mayura and then call the pervert.

"We are home. Come over!"


He comes home. He seemed really happy.

" Ok  so," he says sitting in the living room.

"The M-I-K-O is COMING!"

Me and Benio start laughing .

"We already know. We were in the hospital!" I say.

"Huh!? And here I thought I would be the first to let you know. Stupid Doctors!"


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