Chapter 1

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Elvira was bored one day and decided to go ahead and patrol. She knew that she was gonna meet some fans. So, she leaped across the rooftops. There was a few temporary cars at the park with food and drinks. She stopped and grabbed a strawberry shakeup and a chocolate chip cookie. Before she got her stuff she signed some books for some kids and took some pictures.

Elvira's mask was more like a motorcycle helmet. Except, it was thinner and it hugged her grey cat ears(similar to Batman's mask). Her grey bodysuit hugged her body. She wore a black short jacket that buckled across her chest, black boots, and a black belt. The jacket had sleeves that went down to her hands and covered them, her claws came through by her fingernails. A grey tail with a dull turquoise striped the entirety of it.

Everyone was so enthralled to meet her. Unfortunately, once she got her snacks, she had to leave. Elvira waved everyone goodbye and then leaped across the rooftops. She stoped on top of a taller building. Hanging her legs off the ledge, Elvira ate her cookie. She took the helmet slightly off so she could eat.

Her grey ears relieved from the mask. Elvira finished her cookie and took in a deep breath, taking in the view. 'Nothing too exciting today, I guess' she thought to herself.

At the other end of the building, she heard a thud. Elvira was in the middle of putting the mask back on. She shoved her head into it and whipped around.

"Hello Cheshire Cat!" All Might yells. He puts his fists on his hips in a victorious way.

Elvira just stared at him.

The two had never officially met before. They've been in the same room a few times, but never actually talked. Elvira made sure of it.

Elvira waved at him shyly as to say "hello".

"I see the rumors are true. You don't talk. Don't worry, we will make a wonderful team anyway," All Might says. He hugs Elvira and lifts her up.
"It is nice to finally meet you," All Might sets her down and shakes her hand.

"Having a nice day?" All Might asks.

Elvira nods.

A few moments of silence ring between the two.

'What does he mean by team?' Elvira thinks.

"Want to patrol together?" All Might looks over at the city.

Elvira shakes her hands and points in one direction like she has to be somewhere.

"Yes, you are a busy woman. See you around then!" All Might smiles largely.

Elvira nods and jumps off the building. Her heart pounding in her ears. She landed on a smaller building and ran across quite a few before dropping down into an alley. She looked at her watch for the time.

4:50 Crap!

'I'm gonna be late!' Elvira ran as fast as she could to her house. She lived in an expensive neighborhood. One that has a gate and you can only get in by code.

Elvira changed into a black button up shirt, orange and black striped leggings, and she put her dark grey hair up into a bun, put her glasses on, grabbed her purse, and booked it to her friends house. Before she left, Elvira hid her tail. She could hide her tail from the eye with some sort of magic. Her ears, although, she couldn't hide.

Elvira ran into a small convenience store on the way. She grabbed some ice cream sandwiches and got in line. One thing caught her eye. An old man stood behind Elvira. He had blue eyes and blonde hair. He was skinny, tall, and seemed like he was tired. He reminded Elvira a bit of All Might, but not enough to top it off.

Elvira paid for her stuff and headed out the door. She ran to her friend Amy's house. They were gonna have a movie night with ice cream and pop corn.

Elvira grabs the key from her purse and opens the front door.

The first thing that Elvira noticed was the hundreds of movies sprawled on the living room floor. Amy was in the middle of them, doing something with them.

"I knew you had a lot of movies, but this is just ridiculous," Elvira says her purse down on the counter and puts the ice cream in the freezer.

"Hey man, I don't play around. When I say I wanna watch a movie. I wanna watch a movie," Amy argues.

"What else are you hiding from me?" Elvira sits next to Amy.

"Um..let's watch this one," Amy grabs a movie. She shows the cover to Elvira.


The rest of the night was filled with random movies and pop corn.

The Cheshire Cat(All Might x OC)Where stories live. Discover now