Chapter 18

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- The Next Day -

Elvira takes a peak into the nurse's office. She seemed to be busy with quite a few students, so Elvira turned back around and headed to the teacher's lounge.

The knife wound hadn't healed very much at all through the next. Not like there was a lot of time to give to it. It was taking a lot longer than usual. Which concerned her, but there was probably something on the knife. Her body could take a little bit of poison. It would just take longer to heal.

Walking wasn't too much of a hassle. Though, she would have to stop every once in a while to lift the weight off of it. She would make it look like she had something in her shoe, looking outside, or adjusting her helmet. Mostly because she wasn't alone in the hallway. Hound was at the other end, but still.

She made her way to the teacher's lounge and sat down. Nobody was in there, everyone was teaching, or so she thought.

Elvira could barely hear little scribbles. She sneakily looked through the cracks of the cubicles and saw All Might sitting there writing something.

She smiled slightly and leaned back. Until lunch she just graded papers.

"Hey, Chesh, care to join me for lunch?" Midnight asks her.

She looks up and shakes her head.

"Are you sure? You've been sitting there all day," Midnight leans on the desk.

"Not even any bathroom breaks, dude!!!!" Present Mic interjects.

"Like you've been keeping track?!!" Midnight yells back.

"Uh, no way!! I just noticed that she's a bit tired today, right?" He shoots over and smiles at Elvira.

Elvira just looks at him and crosses her arms.

"Stalker," Aizawa says and he drags himself into the room.

"I am not a stalker!!! Just very observant!!!" Presenr Mic throws his arms in the air. "Is anyone on my side?"

Cementauss, Snipe, Vlad, and Extoplasm either look down or shake their heads.


All Might just sits there quietly, watching his fellow teacher wallow.

Elvira looks at him from the corner of her eye. He looks over at her for a second. She looks over at him and he looks down.

Okay then

Elvir stands up and puts paper back, leaning on her good leg.

Out of nowhere Present Mic lifts Elvira from the back.

"Cheshire Cat please help me!! They're bullying me!!" He yells.

She looks down at him and slaps him with her tail.

"Ow! Hey!" Present Mic backs up.

Elvira lands on her bad leg and she falls on her knees.

"Woah, hey, easy there," Midnight rushes over.

"Mic! Why'd you do that?" Ectoplasm says.

"You okay?" Midnight asks. She reaches down and pulls her up by the arms.

Elvira gets pulled up and holds her leg up, withholding putting pressure on the wound.

Blood started staining the suit.

"Um, you're bleeding," Midnight whispers and gestures downwards with her eyes. She blocks the others from seeing. "I'm taking you to Chiyo."

All Might pretends that he can't hear anything. He glances up to see the blood and can't help but to put possibly two and two together.

Midnight holds onto Elvira's arm and helps her to the nurse.

There were no students in there at the moment.

"Hey, Recovery Girl, we have a situation," Midnight gets her attention.

Elvira sits down on one of the beds.

"Okay let me see it," Recovery girl says as she leaves her desk.

Elvira pulls off her boot and looks to Midnight. She pulls the curtains closed. Jacket off, suit zipped down in the front, and pulled past her thigh.

After a minute of examining and an impatient Cat, who was messing with Midnight. She was nodding and shaking her head. Midnight was utterly confused.

"What caused this?" Recovery Girl asks.

Elvira pulls off her mask slightly.

"A knife that may or may not have had poison on it. Didn't really heal too much last night," she says.

"Yeah, you told me about your healing aspect. But, yeah, I think that's what happened," Recovery Girl agrees.

"Anything you can do?" Midnight asks.

"I can heal the wound, but I can't take the poison out. Her body's the one who has to do that."

"It'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Midnight asks Elvira.

She nods.

Midnight leaves and Recovery Girl does her thing. Elvira puts her suit back on and lays there.

Later that day, her stomach growls. Elvira opens her eyes to see that it's now 7:30.

Must've fallen asleep

She sits up and looks for the nurse. Recovery Girl isn't there.

Elvira just stands up and says a tiny bit. The poison took a bit out of her, but it's just hardly noticeably to her.

"Oh, you're awake," All Might was sitting in a chair by the window.

Elvira looks over at him and sits back down.

"I wanted to ask you something," He stands at the foot of the bed.

Elvira sits there and stares at him, thinking of a million ways how to get out of something for no reason.

"How did you get that wound? Was it a knife?" All Might looks at the spot.

Elvira nods slowly.

"Was it late last night?" All Might asks.

She shakes her head.

"Oh. Ok."

She cocks her head.

"I was just...wondering," All Might says, looking down.

"Hah," Elvira chuckles a bit.

"W-well I'll," All Might heads to the door.

Leaving Elvira a smiling mess, trying to hold back a laugh.

-  the next day -

The poison had gone away for the most part. If there was any left. The knife couldn't have hold too much for the size of it.

Elvira headed down to the police station and gave Tsukauchi a printed paper of what she saw that night. With addresses and descriptions. Including the woman with the knife.

"Thank you. And actually, we have something for you too," he gestures at someone. "You said that you wanted a copy of the mysterious book, right? Well, we found one and I'd like for you to look over it and give us your input."

The Cheshire Cat(All Might x OC)Where stories live. Discover now