Chapter 27

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Elvira heads home, but as she walks down the sidewalk, she sees a familiar group of multicolored kids. Iida being as strict and eventful as always.

She sits down on a bench and watches them go in and out of stores.

A few minutes later, the group split in two and went separate ways.

That left Elvira by herself, watching the pedestrians.

She gets up and heads home for real this time.

- a couple weeks later -

Ever since the villains were captured and Amy was admitted to the hospital, things have gone back to normal. Mostly, anyways.

All Might and her haven't talked a whole lot. Both been busy with their jobs. All Might was a retired hero, but she wasn't. She even debated continuing her hero work. Even considering showing her face to everyone, but not exactly saying her name.


It was all a bit stressful.

"You gonna just sit there all day?" Aizawa asks her.

Elvira had been sitting at her desk all day. Not really doing a whole lot.

"Oh, I didn't notice the time," she looks up to the clock.

It was also 5:45.

"Wanna go grab something to eat?" He asks, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"No thanks, I'll just head home," Elvira grabs her things and leaves.

When she makes it to the gate though, All Might comes running up behind her.

"Hey, going home?" He asks as he catches his breath.

"No, I'm gonna go to the hospital to check up on Amy and the others," Elvira checks her phone.

"Oh," He looks at her helmet.


"I was gonna ask you out," All Might rubs his hands together.


"Well, we haven't really talked much since, you know. And I thought that since everything has died down now. That we could go somewhere," All Might asks, a bit nervous.

"Say yes!" A whisper is heard from somewhere unknown.

Elvira whips over to see Midnight and Present Mic hiding in a bush.

Mic smiles goofily and Midnight gives her a thumbs up.

"Ok, where to?" Elvira turns back to All Might. He gives her the address and gives a time of when he'll pick her up.

The two head to a somewhat fancy place. Fancy places weren't really her taste. They ate and then headed to a bar and drank a few.

Afterwards, she basically dragged him over to her house.

"Oh, come on, just stay with me," She clung to his arm.

"Are you sure?"


"You sure you're not just a little drunk, dear?"

"I am fine"

"Something tells me not to believe that," he puts his hands on her cheeks and pulls her close.

"You gonna stay or not?"

"Fine, I will, but only on one condition."

"And what's that?"

"I either sleep on the couch or an extra room."

"Why don't you wanna sleep with me? Are you afraid of my tail?" She flips her tail and pouts.

"No, that's not it," he rubs her ears. "I just done want to rush anything. If you want me to sleep with you that bad, then I will."

"Yay!" She hugs him and gives him a little peck on the lips. He out his hands on her hips and holds her for a bit.

The two get back into the car and the driver takes them to her house. All the while, Elvira has her head on his shoulder. She runs her fingers through his hand.

She must have zoned out because soon enough they were there. All Might had to nudge her to get her to come back to reality.

"Can't fall asleep on me just yet, dear," All Might helps her exit the car.


Once inside, Elvira undoes her shoes and puts them in the closet. She heads to the bathroom and stretches.

All Might hangs in the doorway and watches her as she grabs a makeup wipe and tries to wipe it all off.

"You should let me do this," he takes the wipe from her and holds her chin so she's facing him.

After he is done wiping it off, he leans in and starts kissing her. She takes the wipe and throws it away real quick. Then she basically jumps on him.

"Woah, calm down there. I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me to," All Might puts his hands under her thighs to hold her up.

"I know, I just dont wanna lose the moment. Also, you don't have to be careful where you touch," Elvira grabs his hands and puts them on her butt.

He sits there for a second and smiles. "Ok"

He carries her to bed and sits next to her. She starts to take off her dress. He just sits there and half watches, remembering what she just said.

She walks into her closet and comes back in a loose long sleeve shirt and pajama pants. She also has a large T-shirt and sweats.

"Change into this," Elvira gives him the clothes.

"Sure," All Might changes while she gets a few pins out of her hair and then they both get into bed.

"Was tonight fun?" All Might asks and she cuddles up next to him.

"Tonight? The night isn't even over yet," she says as she comes back up to give him more kisses. She throws a leg over him and lays her tail over his leg. He puts a hand on her hip and the other on her thigh.

- the next morning -

All Might wakes up to a slight vibration. He lifts his head and then realizes that it was just Elvira purring slightly. He smiles and kisses the top of her head. She fell asleep with her hand on his chest and her head on his shoulder.

He slowly lays her head on a pillow and heads downstairs to start up breakfast or lunch or whatever you want to call a noon meal.

Almost a minute into cooking, he could hear the low creaking of the stairs. He looks over to see Elvira standing there only in her underwear and shirt.

"So much for pants," he looks at her teeth as she yawns. They looked extremely sharp. Too bad they weren't that useful.

"More comfortable without," Elvira sits up on the island and watches him.

He puts the food on plates and sets them next to her. He then puts his hands on her hips and pulls her to the edge.

"Hungry?" He asks while they kiss. She laughs a bit and holds his cheeks.

"Yeah, I guess I am," she kisses his neck and hugs him.

The Cheshire Cat(All Might x OC)Where stories live. Discover now