Chapter 7

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First up is Team One. The team is Sato, Mineta, Ojiro, and Yaoyorozu.

They were taken down easily. Ojiro was picked off by Eraserhead first. The other three freaked out and ran. Cheshire Cat got Yaoyorozu because she started to zone out. Sato and Mineta ran in different directions. Sato found the first objective. He got so close, then Eraserhead got him. Cheshire Cat got Mineta.

"Team Two. You're up!" Midnight yelled over the intercom.

Team Two entered the field. It was Sero, Tokoyami, Midoriya, and Todoroki.

The buzzer went off, starting training.

"Something is off about this training," Tokoyami says.

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" Sero says.

"Yeah, I see Mr. Aizawa, but there's something else going on here," Midoriya puts a hand on his chin and looks down.

"Uh..shall we get started?" Todoroki asks.

The first objective changes location every time. Only because Team One had found it and all the other teams were watching.

The four ran all around the map in search of the objective. Eraserhead and Cheshire Cat having a bit of trouble with picking them off since they were basically back to back the whole time.

"Look! Its the objective! We finally found it," Sero points and sprints in that direction.

"Sero! Wait!" Midoriya yells as the three chase the swinging Sero. Elvira leaps across the buildings, gaining speed. She shoots across the street, aiming straight for Sero. She picks a smoke pellet from her belt and throws it at him. It creates a cloud of smoke and leaves the team confused. Eraserhead grabs Sero and pulls him into the building. Elvira leaps down by the others and grabs Tokoyami by the back of his shirt and throws him up into the air.

"Aah?!" Tokoyami yells a little before being captured by Eraserhead.

Midoriya and Todoroki are left dumbfounded. They had no idea what was going on. The two immediately put their backs together as they search the area.

Eraserhead breaks some windows. Making the pair extremely nervous. The objective was hanging on the railing on an overhead walkway.

"We need to get the objective," Todoroki says. "Mr. Aizawa is just distracting us."

"I agree. I'll go for it. Can you keep Mr. Aizawa off me?" Midoriya says.

"I can," Todoroki nods.

"Ok, ready? Go!" Midoriya runs and jumps at the objective.

Todoroki creates a wall of ice on either side of Midoriya as he jumps.

Elvira figured they would do something like this. She had been sitting on the railing above the objective, waiting. She jumps right at Midoriya and puts a hand over a fist and slams them into his back, making him go straight down. Midoriya gets startled, but lands on his feet anyway. Todoroki gets startled too and notices something familiar about the unusual change.

Midoriya looks up and tries jumping at it again. This time he gets the objective. Right as he grabs it, Eraserhead grabs his ankle and pulls him back down. Todoroki uses his ice to break the cloth from Midoriya's ankle. Elvira and Eraserhead back off and join in a small meeting on top of one of the buildings.

"Looks like pure instinct to me," Elvira says, putting a foot to the edge.

"Yes, it is. I'll take care of Midoriya. You get Todoroki. You have to stay fairly visible now because you have the next objective," Eraserhead says.

Elvira sighed and nodded. "I wanted this to last too."

The two made a B-line for the two students, who were still split up.

Eraserhead grabbed Midoriya and captured him easily.

Elvira ran straight at Todoroki. She was invisible as she punched him in the face. He got startled at the punch. He immediately knew what was going on. He just didn't know who it was.

Elvira stood in front of Todoroki as he listened for anything to give his opponent away. Elvira ran at him and tried scratching his face. He dodged harshly. Mid punch, Elvira became visible for half a second. Todoroki is the only one who sees this. He uses his fire to surround himself. The fire doesn't touch Elvira, as she grabs his face and slams his body into the ground. Todoroki swings his right arm up to get her with ice. She dodges and grabs his arm. She throws him into the air and Eraserhead captures him.

"Team Two fails to get the second objective," Midnight says over the intercom. Recovery Girl shuts off the monitor and sighs.

"Good thing they're keeping injury to a minimum," Recovery Girl says to herself.

Eraserhead drops Todoroki on his feet. Elvira becomes visible and approaches Todoroki. She puts her hands up and shrugs.

"Cheshire Cat," Todoroki stands. "I thought that was you."

Elvira puts a hand on the back of her head and cocks her head.

"Nice to see you again," Todoroki puts his hand out.

Elvira grand him and pulls him into a hug. The two have met once before, but she's never spoken to him. He's never heard her voice.

"Woah! Is that the Cheshire Cat!!" Midoriya explodes from behind Elvira.

"Yes, it is," Todoroki says.

Elvira waves at Midoriya and grabs his hand to shake it. Midoriya keeps shaking her hand and starts muttering.

"Its so cool to meet you! I mean i look up to you. Not in a weird way or anything, but you're the worlds number three hero. Not that it's a bad thing or anything! You're still my number two favorite-" Midoriya starts. Elvira just listens.

"Midoriya. You're muttering," Todoroki says.

"Midoriya, Todoroki. Make room for the next team," Eraserhead says.

"Yes, sorry, sir," Todoroki says as he turns to leave. Midoriya does the same. He buzzes with excitement as the two leave.

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