Chapter 22

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- three days later -

It's Wednesday. And all day there has been quite a few issues with a 2 civilians.

They got mad at each other and started fighting. The police called Elvira in because the only heroes that were there helping were newbies. And they weren't making anything better.

Nezu also gave her an excuse to leave the school for a few hours anyways so why the heck not....what could go wrong? Right? RIGHT?! :)

So, naturally, she heads out to assist and when she gets there, the whole 3 blocks radius had been cleared of people and there were multiple cars on their sides or just in bits.

A police officer with a metal neck came up to her and explains everything.

"We spoke to a few of the employees. They say that it started with one of them talking down about the others' quirk. Then it just started to escalate from there," he gestures to the two men in the middle of the street throwing things at each other.

The officer explains further.

One of them has light brown hair and has a wind quirk. The other, with lime hair, has a pure strength quirk.

Elvira waves for the officer to leave once he finishes. She then approaches the two.

She claps like she's impressed as she gets near. Making the two look at her. She waves her hands as to calm the two.

"Get out of my way cat! I'm gonna kill this freaking idiot!" The lime haired one yells as he throws a manhole cover at the other guy.

"Son of a-" the brown haired one swung it back around, but with much more speed.

Lime haired one grabs another piece of metal and the cover bounces off of it and almost hits Elvira.

She drops to the ground as it goes over her.

She grabs the lime haired one and pulls him to the ground with his arms pinned.

"Finally, someone who can tie down that savage," the brown haired one says as he puts his chin up and starts walking away.

"What'd you call me, windy?!" The lime one pushes Elvira away with little effort and goes after the other man.

She flies back and hits a car.

"Ugh!" She drops and sits back up, a bit dazed, but pissed more than anything.

She was done with this. There had been a few incidents lately of people loosing their tempers. And it's making her lose her temper.

But she knew better than to give in.

She got up and looks for something useful. Luckily there was an elastic cord off of something. She grabs it and uses it like a whip and wraps the lime one from a distance.

"Argh! What the hell?!" He looks back and sees her.

The brown haired man got taken away by the police for questioning.

"You let him get away," the man says through his teeth. He looks back at her with angry eyes.

Uh oh

She hardly holds onto the rope. Ready for it to be pulled hard on.

But the man jumps high into the air and comes down hard, breaking the concrete with so much force that it kind of spikes up.

Elvira jumps up and lands carefully.

A car flies at her and knocks her back.

"Ugh!" She gets stuck under it and can't push it up.

The man walks closer and picks up another car.

Elvira stops and gives the car one more big push. It finally gives in and lifts a bit. Just enough that she can slip out.

Just as the man throws the car, she runs and dodges a few more throws.  She goes invisible and goes to him and tries to hold him down physically.

He grabs her and slams her into the ground, making more damage to the ground and stunning Elvira.

She sits there for a few seconds. He grabs her neck and holds her up.

She kicks him in the face and digs her nails into his wrist, but his grip gets stronger and stronger.

He uses his other hand to hold one of her wrists back and starts to bend it more than it should. A snap is heard and Elvira tries to cry out, but nothing comes out.

The world soon starts becoming darker and darker and fuzzier. Her strength starts to lose from her body and heart is racing.

Out of nowhere something comes in and slams into the man. She drops and falls on her back. Her hand immediately comes to her chest as she sits up and coughs. As soon as she does though, she becomes extremely faint.

A large hand cups the side of her helmet, helping with holding her head up. And another on her shoulder.

She looks up and tries to see who it is, but then realizes that she had tears in her eyes and couldn't see that well.

Her breath was lost and hardly able to come through.

The next thing she felt was large arms going around her and she could feel the gravity pushing her down. Then she could feel being set down about 5 minutes later.

She starts to pass out and could feel a sensation of relief from pressure to her head. And she could breathe a lot better. She starts to fall forward, but a hand set on her chest, holding her up.

She could hear a few people speaking, but her mind wasn't registering any of it.

- ? -

Elvira woke up slowly. She could hear a beeping of a heart monitor. Immediately knowing that she is in some sort of hospital room.

She turns to see a heart monitor on her right.

She could feel something on her head, arm, and leg. Her good hand. Her left hand met a large bandage that wrapped around her head and over her right eye. It stung at her touch.

Her heart dropped. That meant someone took off her helmet and saw her face. She looked around for her helmet and saw no sign of it.

She started to inspect her arm and leg. Her wrist was wrapped tight and up to her elbow. The leg was wrapped up to the thigh with her toes poking out.

The jacket was gone. Actually, her whole costume was gone. She was just in her sports bra and elastic underwear/shorts.

She tried looking for a clock. It said 8:52.

You're kidding me

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