Chapter 20

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- a few days later -

Elvira had gotten half of the book translated. She took her work to the police station so they could do the rest.

Now it's just the waiting game.

All Might has been watching her more. At least, that she's noticed. It gets fun when you can watch people and them not know.

Aizawa and Elvira have been spending more time together lately. They've been talking about what to do with their students.

Aizawa wanted to practice long distance attacks so he wanted her to be there to help him get ideas.

"Alright everyone! Today, everyone will be doing something different. We will be making sure that all of you have good precision and aim. Even with things that don't have anything to do with your quirk. We will be heading to the P.E. Grounds. Questions?" Aizawa says as he glances at Iida.

And as if one que, his hand shoots up.

"Yes?" Aizawa says.

"What do you mean by 'things that have nothing to do with our quirks'?" Iida asks.

"Like throwing balls at a target."

Midoriya's hand goes up.


"Do we need our hero suits or our gym clothes?" He asks.

"You will be in your gym clothes. We are going over precision and balance. It would be better to practice without your hero suits,"

A chunk of hair starts floating from Aizawa's head. Everyone looks at it, but he doesn't notice the movement.

"Will we be using our quirks at all?" Ojiro asks.

"Maybe a few times-"

More hair starts floating from the back of his head. Pink and rainbow colored clips appear out of no where and clip onto his hair silently.

Mina snorts and puts a hand over her mouth like she sneezed. Kaminari's face was red. Everyone else was either stone faced, *ahem* Bakugo, or had a concered face and trying not to laugh.

"-but for the most part, no, you won't be, anything else?" Aizawa says as he looks at his students.

"No," Todoroki says with a straight face.

"Good, now, get dressed and head down there," Aizawa leaves with no clue of what happened.

Once he leaves, a few people burst out laughing.

"That was stupid," Bakugo says, leaning against the wall. A pink butterfly clip flew at his face and hit him in the forehead. "Hey! Who did that!"

Cheshire Cat stood up from behind the pedestal and put a thumb towards herself.

"How did he not know?" Kyoka asks.

Elvira put her hands up like she didn't know. She then ushered them to get dressed and went down to the P.E. Grounds.

Everyone got dressed and went to the P.E. Grounds as they were told.

"Anything new with the kidnappings?" Aizawa asks as they arrive.

Elvira shakes her head. She has followed the same man for a few nights in a row, but ever since that person went with him, he's gone alone. The police tried to find him in their database. It's like he doesn't exist.

"What're you gonna do next?" Aizawa watches the students from a distance.

"I thought about sneaking in the old barbers shop and seeing what's behind that door. See if it's anything worthwhile before I head into the other place," Elvira says and kicks a rock.

"Want me to go with you?" Aizawa turns to her.

"No, I'm the one that can turn invisible. Wouldn't want to risk you getting caught if I do," Elvira turns to the approaching students.

"If you ask Endeavor to help you, you're not gonna get anything done before he gets impatient and burst in there if you take too long."

"Yeah, I don't ask him on stealth based missions. And this is something I can do on my own," Elvira glances over at him.

The students get closer and Aizawa starts with his orders.

Elvira glances up at the school and decides whether or not to go through with this.

- later that day -

All Might was sitting in the teachers lounge doing nothing. He was alone.

Elvira opens the door and heads to her desk. She opens a drawer and grabs her phone that she'd accidentally left. Doesn't even know how it got there.

All Might watched her all the while.

She looked at the time and looked over at All Might. The two just looked at each other for a second.

She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something on it. She crumpled it up and threw it to him.

Elvira walked out and headed to the same cafe that she went to that night.

All Might picked up the piece of paper and opened it.

"Head to this address *****, 9 sharp. Don't be late or I'll go on my own"

He didn't know why she said that. So, out of curiosity, he went there on time.

When he arrived, she was already there in her hero costume. She was looking out of the window. Obviously daydreaming.

He looks at her for a second. Then Elvira looks over at him.

He looks down and approaches her.

"So, what are we doing?" All Might asks as he sits down.

Elvira slides a piece of paper across the table to him.

On the paper was a phone number.

"T-this is yours?" All Might grabs his phone.

She waits as he puts it in his phone and he sends a testing message. Then she sends him a long message explaining what is about to happen.

The message said that she was going into a warehouse and he was to watch the entrance to tell her if anyone goes in or out.

"Ok, but why don't I go with you?" He asks.

"You'd just slow me down," she types. "Plus, I can become invisible."

"True, but be careful. I don't want to have to go in after you when I don't know the layout," All Might says as he looks at her helmet.

"I will be careful. Stealth is my specialty," She stands and heads towards the door.

All Might watches her and her surroundings as she approaches the door. She turns invisible and heads inside. Slowly opening the door and peaking inside. Entering and closes the door softly behind her.

Just inside was 8 rows of tall metal racks with cardboard boxes. They all had different brands on them. Every so often there was a light on the ceiling. Some of them flickered and some didn't even work.

Nothing out of the ordinary stood out at the beginning. So she started walking towards the other end of the racks.

The Cheshire Cat(All Might x OC)Where stories live. Discover now