Chapter 14

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"We should wake her. It's getting late," Midoriya says. Everyone agrees with him.

Midoriya and Todoroki try to shake her awake.

Elvira almost falls backwards. She wakes up just in time to not fall too far back. She puts her arms out to balance herself. Midoriya and Todoroki grab her arms and hold onto her.

"Careful!" Uraraka yells.

Elvira balances herself with the boys' help. She pats their shoulders and nods.

"You're welcome," Todoroki says.

"Cheshire Cat, you should head home. It's getting late," Midoriya says.

Elvira checks her watch and thinks it through. She figures it's too late and she doesn't feel like going home.

So, she grabs her bag and heads to the couches and sits down.

"What is she doing?" Mina asks.

"I think she's staying here," Midoriya says.

"Really?! Oh! Sleepover!!" Mina bounces.

"Mina. I don't think that's a good idea."

"What do you mean?"


"Everyone is tired and I doubt that Cheshire Cat would like a sleepover," Todoroki says flatly.

"Oh all right, fine," Mina gives up.

"Maybe next time," Toru comforts Mina.

"I'm gonna go talk to her," Todoroki says. He walks over to Elvira and looks down at her.

"Are you staying here for the night?" He asks.

Elvira looks up at him and nods. She crosses a leg over and fiddles with her jacket.

Todoroki looks to the others. They get the hint.

"We should all go to bed now," Iida suggests.

It takes everyone a few minutes, but they all clear the room and head off to the bathrooms and then to bed.

Todoroki talks a bit with Elvira all the while.

"Actually, Cheshire Cat, I still have a few questions. If you don't mind me asking," He says.

Elvira swings her head around. The rest of her body stays put.

"You said that you and my father are just close, right?"

Elvira nods.

"How do you mean? Like best friends from school or work friends?"

Elvira peeks over the back of the couch to make sure the coast is clear. She turns towards him, her right arm on the back of the couch. She leans down slightly and speaks in a quiet tone.

"Your father and I have been friends since high school. We became friends when he I moved to Japan. I am originally from the Unites States. When I first moved here, I didn't have many friends. Most of the students thought it would be fun to "test out my skills" by stepping on my tail and throwing things at me. Your father thought that he should step in and protect me," Elvira says. She looks to see if anyone was listening.

"Why did he protect you?" He asks, thinking about his father.

"He told me soon after that he liked me and you know him, he's straight to the point, get it done kind of guy," She says.

"But he's never done anything like that."

"He was a bit nicer back then, not as loud, he went out of his way to make sure that he could keep an eye on me."

"So...what happened? Did you two get together and fall out?"

"Well, we did get together, but it wasn't anything special. We never kissed or anything if that's what your thinking. We still talk. It's not like we lost each other," Elvira chuckles. "But, I'll tell you more at a later time."

"Ok, what are you gonna do?" Todoroki stands.

"Sleeping on the couch, but first I gotta freshen up," Elvira heads to the girl's bathroom.

She opens the door and walks in. Uraraka was washing her face and didn't hear or see Elvira come in.

Elvira gets in one of the stalls extremely quietly. She sits on the toilet and pulls her feet up, waiting for Uraraka to leave.

Uraraka turns off the faucet and dries her face off. She looks in the mirror at her face.

"Ugh! Just talk to her! That's all you have to do! Just say hi and then she'll say hi because she's nice and you make small talk like "how are you" or "how's the new job". Something like that!" Uraraka slaps her cheeks. She takes a deep breath and stretches. After a minute, the door was heard opening and closing. Elvira took that opportunity and peeked out into the bathroom from under the door.

Nobody was in there.

She opened the door and took off her helmet. She looked at herself in the mirror. Dreadful was the only word that came to her mind. Elvira washed her face and put her helmet back on.

The bottom floor was dead silent and extremely dark. Nobody was down there. They were all in bed or doing whatever. Elvira ignored the silence and laid down on one of the couches and fell asleep.

--- MORNING ---


Elvira felt something hit her helmet and she shot up and fell off the couch. She landed on her chest and she whipped her head up. She looked over and saw All Might and Aizawa standing there.

"You sleep hard," Aizawa says blatantly.

"Sleep well?" All Might asks with his huge smile and chuckle.

Elvira stood up and adjusted her suit.

"Cheshire Cat, Principle Nezu wants to speak with you," Aizawa says.

Elvira nods and grabs her bag.

"He wants to speak with the both of us, so...maybe we can walk together?" All Might asks.

Elvira bends her knees and shrugs slowly.

"Oh, come on, please?" All Might puts on a lighter tone.

Elvira nods and waves her hand for him to follow her.

"Awesome!" All Might follows Elvira. She waves to Aizawa and he shakes his head and turns the other way.

Elvira sees most of the other students outside playing and trying out their quirks.

"So, tell me about yourself," All Might says as he taps her shoulder.

Elvira smacks his stomach.

"Woah, hey hey it was a joke. No need to get all hostile on me," All Might laughs.

The two joke all the way to Nezu's office.

All Might knocks on Nezu's door.

"Come in!"

He holds the door open for Elvira. She nods towards him saying "thank you".

The two walk in to Nezu talking to Tsukauchi. Elvira has met him many times before.

"Good morning Cheshire Cat, All Might," Tsukauchi shakes hands with the two of them.

"I have something that I need the two of you to take care of, if you're willing?" He asks

"Yeah, what is it?" All Might asks while Elvira nods.

"There has been a situation with more kidnappings lately. I need the two of you to find who's doing it."

The Cheshire Cat(All Might x OC)Where stories live. Discover now