Chapter 3

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The next day, the meteorologists predicted all day to rain and there may be lightning throughout the day.

So, what did heros have to do? Patrol almost all day. Villains took it upon themselves to attack during storms because they thought it would be the easiest.

Elvira changed into her hero outfit and got ready to be soaked all day. She wasn't exactly a water person, but she loved being in the rain for some reason. She can't even swim. So if something happens, someone will have to save her.

'Here goes nothing' Elvira told herself. She leaped out of her bedroom window in the back of her house and started leaping across rooftops of her neighborhood. The rain was light, but everyone knew that it was going to pour later on.

Elvira made her way to the city. After about a couple minutes of waiting and searching, a siren sounds. She was fast to act. Especially since it was only a few streets over.

There was a large villain and a smaller villain. Both carrying sacks of money. Elvira jumped down to stop them from running.

"Out of our way! Hero!" One of the villains threw a saucer like thing at Elvira. She moved slightly, dodging it easily. The sound the saucer produced made it easy for Elvira to dodge because it came back. The man caught the thing and threw it back a her. She dodged it again. Elvira ran at the man and caught him. She slammed his head into the ground, knocking him out.

The big villain was a bit aways. Using the smaller villain as a distraction.

Cop cars came from the other direction, blocking his way. This didn't deter the villain. Elvira ran as fast as she could for the villain. The villain was a little slow. Made it easy for Elvira to catch up. The villain stomped on the ground in her direction, making the ground shake. Some onlookers fell over. Some ran inside for cover. Elvira jumped into the dust that the stomp made. She disappeared and leaped high above the villain. He looked for Elvira, but didn't see her. She unsheathed her claws and clawed the air.

The move made the villains back tear open with immense pain. It felt worse than it actually was. The pain made the villain unable to move. So, he fell onto his stomach.

The cops immediately began detaining the villains. The smaller one must have awoken because a saucer came flying at Elvira. She heard it and dodged, but she still wasn't fast enough. The saucer got her back. Leaving a painful line from her mid back to her left shoulder. It wasn't deep, but it hurt.

"Ugh!" Elvira kept her composure and looked in the direction of the villain. The saucer came back and clipped her jaw on the right side. It had some force in it. Like it was punching her. It knocked Elvira on her back, but she rolled back up. Running towards the villain, she grabbed a piece of debris and threw it to the right of the villain. He dodged, putting most of his attention to the thing.

This gave Elvira a chance to punch the villain in the stomach, then the face, and the final blow was grabbing his arm and throwing him into the ground.

The cops got hold of him and took him away. Elvira leaped away. She didn't wait for anything. No one had to see her in pain. She landed on a building a few streets over and got down on one knee. She caught her breath and kept going.

It was a few hours later that Elvira started to feel it. The cold and the exhaustion making her feel weak.

So far, she had stopped the one from earlier and two more petty thieves.

Suddenly, a scream rang through the air. It was a small girl. Elvira ran to the scream. She almost tripped on her way. The rain started to get harder. She found a small girl and her parents being confronted by a man with a gun in an alley

"Give me your jewelry! Now!" The man shook the gun and pointed it at the mom.

"Okay, just, calm down," The father said calmly. His hands up as to show surrender. He began removing the woman necklace.

"Hurry up!" The man with the gun yelled.

The little girl started to cry.

"Shut her up!" The man yelled again.

The mom hid the girl behind her.

"Get a move on!" The man shook his gun again.

"I'm trying, it's...its stuck," The father said.

The man with the gun started to get nervous. The gun then went off. The father fell on the ground, holding his arm.

"Trace!" The mom bent down to the father.

Elvira dropped behind the man. The rain now harder. The man turned around and freaked out. He shot the gun and hit Elvira. He got her shoulder, but you couldn't tell because she barely moved. She grabbed the gun from the mans hands and punched him square in the face, knocking him out.

Elvira tipped the police and approached the family. She picked up the man and brought him inside a building, it happened to be a cafe. The workers there immediately knew what was happening and rushed to help.

"What do you need?" A worker ran up to Elvira.

"Will he be alright?" The mom asked, holding her sobbing child. Elvira nodded to her and put a hand to the mans wound.

"Arg!" The father bit his lip and pain.

Elvira looked up to the worker. He ran behind the counter and came back with a towel.

"Is this long enough?" Elvira wrapped the towel above the mans wound and tightened it.

She looked up at the father and nodded. She did a pulling gesture to the man. He nodded, knowing exactly what she wanted got do. Elvira, very carefully, put her nails into his wound and pulled out the bullet.

"That was less painful than I thought it would be," The father smiled at his wife. She smiled back and hugged him.

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