Chapter 15

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Elvira and All Might look at each other and then to Nezu.

"Why us?" All Might asks.

"Cheshire Cat, you specialize in stealth the most, correct?" Taukauchi nods towards her.

She nods.

"All Might, we need brute force for taking them down. And you won't be the only ones on this case anyways. We have other heroes, they're just in different parts of the city," Tsukauchi grabs two files off Nezu's desk.

"I thought that putting the two of you on the same case would make the saving part be way easier," Nezu says confidently.

Tsukauchi hands each hero a file.

"Inside is all of the pictures and bio's of each victim that we know of so far," Tsukauchi says as he looks at his watch. "Sorry for such a short notice, but I do need to be heading out now. They need me back at the precinct."

"Thank you detective," Nezu says.

Elvira nods and All Might follows him out.

"How do you feel about this?" Nezu asks Elvira.

"Why are they being kidnapped?" Elvira asks as she opens the folder.

All Might walks back in right after she said that. 

"Well, for one, they aren't being kidnapped randomly. In each of the victims' homes, we've found a certain book called "The Bear"- Elvira looks thought the folder to find a total of 23 victims dating from the earliest of 8 months prior. -"and the book is filled with symbols. As though the symbols are the words. There are no languages that consist of these symbols unfortunately," Nezu says.

"Where are they getting these books from?" All Might asks.

"We believe that it is being given out by someone. It may be more than one person, but right now we believe it to only be one individual."

"Where are the victims?"

"We do not know. We were hoping that Chesh here could shed some light on the matter," Nezu looks to her, who was looking intently at a few of the victims.

"Something wrong, Cheshire?" Nezu asks.

Elvira looks up and shakes her head. She looks back down at a woman with dyed blonde hair, green eyes, and a pink and purple butterfly necklace.

"Well, you two must get back to doing your job, right? I have some business to take care of as well," Nezu turns to some paperwork.

All Might and Elvira leave.

"I wonder what we could do to make this case any easier. What do you think?" All Might looks down at Elvira, who was spaced out.

"Uh. Hey," All Might bumps her.

She looks up at him almost startled.

"Don't tell me nothing's wrong... Let me guess, you know a few of the victims," All Might says.

Elvira shakes her head yes and looks down and kicks the ground.

"Hmm, well I'm sure we'll find them soon," All Might gestures for her to enter the lounge first. He deflates and sits down and looks through the files.

"Yo!! All Might!! Whatcha doin'?!!!" Present Mic bolts up to him.

"Cheshire Cat and I were assigned a case to take care of," All Might says.

"It's that 23 kidnappings case, right?" Midnight butts in.

"Yeah, how'd you know about it?" All Might asks.

"Nezu already talked to us about it. He told us that if you guys needed any help than we should all pitch in," Midnight says as she does her nails.

Elvira sits in a corner and gets her phone out. She looks at the pictures of her and her friends.

"What's with her?" Midnight nods towards Elvira.

"She says that she knows a few of the victims personally," All Might says, looking at a few of them.


- Three days later, that night -

"Anything?" All Might asks Elvira as she walks back into the teacher's lounge.

She shakes her head and collapses into a chair.

"We've searched the whole city. Where have we missed?" All Might scratches his head.

Elvira goes over everything for millionth time in her head. One more person had been kidnapped in the past 3 days. She had found out that some of her friends had been some of the victims. Amy, Tyler, Maya, Bella, and Quinn. None would answer their phones and weren't at their houses.

She put her hands on her neck and rubbed it.

Both of them had been slaving themselves over trying to find them.

All of the victims were scattered out, so their wasn't a pattern of any sort. She tried thinking of what they all had in common. Well, for one, her and all her friends were pretty similar in dislikes. Like that would help.

All Might and Elvira searched everywhere. The police tried to get information from neighbors, but they all basically said that they left in the morning and never came back.

She thought of options that she could delve into. They were either trying to find the book for herself and read it. All of the victims either burned it, got the book so wet that the ink smeared, or drew all over them so you could hardly read it if you did know the language. She could ask what Evan knows about Amy. Or go without her hero suit and investigate Amy's place herself. Or maybe go to places that they all could've possibly gone, like their secret hideouts or something.

"I'm sure we could get something done if we could at least get out hands on a decent state of the book," All Might says. "But I don't know of any books stores that might have that sort of thing."


Books...crazy people...symbols

If you don't hide anything in a building, out in the woods or mountains....would they be hiding in the sewers or underground? Maybe, possibly.

Elvira puts a hand on her neck and looks at her other hand.

She stops and looks over at All Might.

For some reason, that reminded her of something that she saw a while back. It was a suspicious looking man with another man who was holding some sort of cylinder.

She remembered the two and waited for a few minutes, trying to remember exactly where it was and what it was like before she acted.

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