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My house was trailed by news reporters
and scandal-hunters, whatever
they're called.

But at night,
the police would tell them
to back off and for the sake
of our neighbours in mourning,
they would.

So at night, I would wander.

Take my brother's
black hoodie, and tuck myself into
a disguise, poorly planned but workable.

My older brother was working
the night shift,
and today, my younger brother
had a sleepover somewhere else.

I was alone tonight.

So I headed to the convenience store.

"Exterminator is after you,"
I whispered to him, "I'm sorry."

There was Denizen,
he was quiet, stoic, and
expressionless as always--

But he acknowledged me,
not as a sensational suspect,
but as a nighttime regular.

"Don't be," his response.
He's not surprised
that I showed up
after so long of not showing up.

"But do you know why?"

This time, I was much less
reluctant to trade information.

"They think that if they kill us all,
they'll be free."

The words came out,
and I regretted it.

Denizen was trapped in
darkness because of the game.

Why wouldn't he want
to be free?

"Is that so?"

He didn't sound like he was happy,
and he reached over to pat me
on the head once.

"Must've been hard on you."

I could've cried.

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