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"You're going to explain yourself to all your fans and Taehyung's fans about what you said last night." Was the first thing Jungkook was greeted with by Yoongi who was leaning against the kitchen island drinking a cup of coffee. Jungkook sighed as he walked to the refrigerator to get some strawberry yogurt.

"Is that really necessary hyung?" Jungkook asked as he grabbed a small metal spoon and stood across the kitchen island from Yoongi. With a look that was begging Yoongi to not make him do such thing.

That was the thing about Jungkook. He never did get himself into drama often, but when he did the twenty one year tended to act like the drama didn't exist or disappear for a few days until things seemed to cool off.

For example when Jungkook did a collab with YouTube couple Mark and Jackson. Jungkook had the guts to bring up Mark's ex into the conversation and well their fans weren't happy considering how uncomfortable the couple looked. Mark and Jackson's fans didn't hesitate to call him out on it.

So Jungkook simply disappear for a good two weeks and showed up with a new video of Jungkook filling up their pool with orbeez. Like nothing had ever happened. In the end Jungkook isn't friends with Mark and Jackson. Along with the collab video was taken off from both channels.

"Yes, I'm not letting you hide out this time from your drama. You're going have to come up with an explanation for what you said." Yoongi stated as he finished off his coffe. Hoseok walking into the kitchen with a tired look on his face and evident under eye bags.

"You look awful." Jungkook said the minute he took in the olders appearance. "Stayed up late editing." Hoseok replied.

"You could have edited your video today." Jungkook stated.

"I have to have the video up today. Anyways how's your drama with the vmins?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi only gave him a look that Jungkook knew meant 'you're going to do that explanation' as much as he hated it. He knew he couldn't beat Yoongi this time. Considering how big Taehyung's fandom was.

"Yoongi hyung is making me explain what I said to everyone." Jungkook pouted out as he ate some of his yogurt.

"Yoongi check out what Taehyung posted today." Hoseok said. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and showed Yoongi's the post. Yoongi couldn't help, but laugh softly. His gummy smile on full display as Jungkook rolled his eyes at them.

"I can't believe he actually posted about it!" Yoongi chuckled out softly. Continuing to read over Taehyung's caption. "I don't think lollipops are the only thing he sucks though." The oldest of the three said.

"You're fucking disgusting hyung." Jungkook said while making a face.

"Shut up! You have an explanation you got to start making up." Yoongi shoot back.

Jungkook sighed and walked to the large living room. He let himself drop on the couch as he started to come up with some believable exuses. He could simply say he was fucking around, but Jungkook felt that not everyone would easily buy that. So that's how he spent half his day coming up with a lie all thanks to Min Yoongi.

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It had been a long time since Jungkook had a live and the fact that it was only to explain himself made him slightly annoyed. Yet he tried to hide that facial expression as he went on to instagram to start his live. Yoongi was right across from him to make sure that the maknae did as he was told.

 Yoongi was right across from him to make sure that the maknae did as he was told

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Without a second thought Jungkook started the live. The sooner he started it the sooner he could get it over it. Only a few minutes being live and Jungkook already had over a million viewers. Many that were asking about the whole Taehyung Sucks chaos. Some angry vmins while other kooks defending him.

"Hi guys." Jungkook managed to say after a small silence. He bite the inside of his cheek before opening his mouth to speak again. "So last night in Yoongi's live all of you heard me say Kim Taehyung Sucks."

He licked his lips and let his eyes scan the comments of shocked fans. They were completely taken back that Jungkook wasn't disappearing like he usually did.

"Now in no way was I being serious when I said Kim Taehyung sucks. I was just joking around and I honestly love Taehyung and his videos and find him to be a funny person. So I'm sorry if anyone took it the wrong way." In the end Jungkook couldn't think of any good excuse and decided to say he was joking around. At this point he didn't care if some didn't buy it. That was their problem.

"That's all I came in here for and once again I apologize to the vmins out there and to Kim Taehyung himself." He said.

The comments filling with people saying 'it's alright kookie we know you didn't mean it'

While others stated 'bullshit excuse'

"I guess I'll be ending it here. Bye and hope you guys have a great rest of your day." Jungkook said and waved at his phone before setting it on the living room table.

"It way much easier to disappear and return when everyone forgets about the drama." The maknae said with a sigh. This was harder than he had expected it to be.

He looked up to see an unhappy look on Yoongi's face. "What?" Junkook asked confused.

"That was the most shit excuse I've ever heard." Yoongi stated as Hoseok sat down next to Jungkook.

"Why do you dislike Taehyung anyways?" Hoseok asked as he munched on some lays and turned on the television.

"I don't know he just seems to fake! Like all the shit he does on his channel is totally set up. Also the rumors of him being rude to his fans add into the hate of have for that alien." Jungkook stated without a second thought. The hate for Taehyung was something Yoongi and Hoseok knew about, but never the reason.

"Those are rumors, they could be false and besides he seems like a nice guy." Hoseok said while popping another lays into his mouth.

"I doubt it, he's definitely a cocky, spoiled, and fake guy." Jungkook mumbled out. Yoongi only rolled his eyes as he went to his instagram.

His eyes widening at the sight that it stated Jungkook was still live. He clicked on Jungkook's icon and in fact was still live. The ceiling was the only thing seen on the live, but Jungkook's voice was easily heard.

Yoongi quickly shot up and grabbed Jungkook's phone and ended the live. That earned him a confused look from Jungkook and Hoseok.

"You idiot! You didn't end the live!" Yoongi stated. Jungkook's eyes widen at what his hyung stated.

"Oh shit." He mumbled out.

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