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Jungkook sat uncomfortably on the couch. To be more specific Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin's couch. Especially since Jimin was sitting across from him sending him an obvious and intimidating glare his way. Hoseok was sitting to his left while Yoongi was to his right. All three noticing the look. It was impossible to go unnoticed.

"Taehyung said to not address what you said about him in your live. He just wants everyone to forget what you said and focus on the video today." Jimin said breaking the silence between all four of them.

"Alright." Jungkook mumbled out softly as he looked down on his feet, wiggling them a bit as he heard footsteps coming towards them.

"I'm back." Taehyung said happily as he had his camera in his hands. A big smile displayed on his lips. It was currently ten in the morning and Taehyung was more than excited to show Jungkook how he really as. At the end of the day he was sure that Jungkook would end up liking him as well. It planned to make that happened.

"So what are we doing again?" Yoongi asked as he stood up. Taehyung still with that same boxy smile on his face turned to look at Yoongi as he turned on the camera and handed it to Jimin.

"So I have four hundred gallons of slime in out backyard that Jimin and I bought yesterday and we're going to fill up our jacuzzi with slime and then get in." Taehyung said happily.

"I suggested the pool, but that would be hard to clean up." Jimin said with a pout. "Anyways let's start." He said as he pointed the camera over to Taehyung.

Jimin gave him a thumbs up letting Taehyung know he was filming. "Hey guys! What's up my vmins welcome back to our channel. So today we have three very special guest that will be joining us in this crazy idea." Taehyung started as he waved for the other three to walk over to them.

Jumgkook Hoseok and Yoongi both walked over behind Taehyung. Hoseok with his famous bright smile, Yoongi with a half smile on his lips and Jungkook with a forced smile on his face as they waved at the camera.

He really was feeling nervous out of nowhere. He didn't know whether it was because of that same glare Jimin was sending him or because he was nervous what people would say that he was now hanging out with Taehyung after the drama. As if nothing ever happened.

"Hi guys!" Hoseok said waving over at the camera.

"So today as you guys can see we'll be dumping four hundred gallons of slime into our jacuzzi and get in because why not!" Taehyung said followed by a laugh. A laugh that seemed to fake in Jungkook's eyes.

"Sounds like this will end in a disaster." Yoongi mumbled out. "I did not sign up for this." He older out of everyone said while crossing his arms.

"Oh come on Yoongi lighten up." Jimin giggled out softly from behind the camera.

Jungkook stood still next to Yoongi feeling as if he should say or do something. Or else he'd receive nothing, but hate. So his first reaction was to punch Yoongi in the arm a little to hard.

"You're so boring hyung." Jungkook laughed out forcefully.

"Ouch!" Yoongi whined out in pain at the feeling. His hand going to his arm, rubbing it slightly as he glared at Jungkook with slight confusion at the random action. The look on Jungkook's face seeming way to fake in Yoongi's opinion.

"So lets go to the backyard and dump all that slime in the jaccuzi." Taehyung said as they all followed Taehyung to backyard. The sun shining a little to bright at ten in the morning. Something Jungkook absolutely hated. A sunny day. So this definitely wasn't a good day for Jeon Jungkook.

"Holy shit how much money did you spend on this." Yoongi asked. The yard filled with multiple five gallon buckets of slime in them. It seemed to be more than fifty buckets of gallons and none of them were thrilled of having to dump all of them into the empty jacuzzi.

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