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"So what are we going to do now?" Jungkook asked as be looked up at Yoongi. Who was giving him an 'are you serious' look that was all to familiar to the twenty one year man.

It was already nine at night and many vmin fans were already going off about the live. Some of them even being kook stans themselves. They weren't happy about Jungkook's thoughts. Jungkook's phone would be ringing every second that the male turned it off to forgot about his stupid mistake.

"We?" Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow at the maknae. "YOU are going to fix it on your own... Maybe hidding out would be a better option since you're so great at that." The man stated.

Jungkook only nodded with an approving smile. "You're right I'm great at that so I'll take you advice and do just that."

Hoseok having his full attention on the whole conversation stood up and shook his head at Jungkook. "You're going to have to face the hate kook. I mean you may even turn your own fans against you." Hoseok stated.

"If he does that then I'm hundred percent sure he's going to mess up again somehow." Yoongi said which caused a pout on the youngers lips and let out a tiny and whiny. "Hey." To his hyung.

"Look I prefer Yoongi hyung's plan. You know let everything cool down and then show up with a new video. Like none of this ever happened." Jungkook said as he stood up with a smile. Hoseok simply gave him a disapproving look, but said nothing about it. He knew how stubborn Jungkook was and didn't feel like dealing with him.

"Alright just know that it may piss of people more if you go with that plan. Just saying." Hoseok simply said. "Well it's nine so I'm off to bed. Good night you two." He said before sending them both his signature sunshine smile and heading upstairs to his room.

The living room now just with Jungkook and Yoongi standing there alone. Yoongi thinking about what Hoseok said and seeing how he had a point while Jungkook was still sure about going with his plan.... to disappear for a few days.

"Good Night Hyung." Jungkook said after a while of silence and walked over to the stairs.

"Night kook." Yoongi said before it being following by a small yawn. Dealing with Jungkook's was quite a stressful job that Yoongi never signed up for when they decided for all three to live together.

Jungkook happily walked into his room like any regular night. As if he hadn't accidentally admit to all his fans that he disliked... no hated Taehyung. A part of him didn't really care for exposing that to everyone. What he did care about was the backlash he would receive from his fans. He could care less about what vmins thought.

He grabbed an oversize black t shirt with a pair of sweatpants and changed into the comfortable articles of clothing. Before he let himself fall to his bed. His head hitting the pillow and his eyes looking over to his phone. Wondering what things could his fans be posting about him that second. Without a second thought Jungkook grabbed his phone and went to his instagram account that was full of notification. To which Jungkook found himself picking on some of them.

 To which Jungkook found himself picking on some of them

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