twenty seven

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"Awww they're so cute." Hoseok said as he stood by the door frame and watched Jungkook and Taehyung sleep together. Jungkook had his back pressed up to Taehyung's chest. While Taehyung was holding him close by his waist. The sight instantly made Hoseok's heart melt. He always thought that the same made a great couple, but kept his mouth shut to not anger Jungkook.

"I ship it." He mumbled out to Yoongi who was standing next to him. "If they start dating then I can die happy." He stated.

This made Yoongi frown and look over at his newly boyfriend. "You said that if I went out with you then you can die happy." He said with his arms pressed to his chest. "Where you lying to me?." Yoongi asked as he crossed his arms.

Hoseok laughed softly and shook his head as he grabbed his arms around Yoongi's waist from behind. Before placing a kiss to his cheek. "Of course not. You're my world. You've always been my world since day one and forever will be." He confessed. The sweet words making Yoongi blush.

"Okay don't get so cheesy on me mister." Yoongi stated playfully.

A small groaned soon interrupted them and looked to see Jungkook moving to his left side and snuggled up to Taehyung more. If that was even possible.

"Yeah you're right though they would make a pretty cute couple, but I doubt that will ever happen." Yoongi stated as Hoseok laid his chin on Yoongi's shoulder while still holding him close.

"Stop staring at us you creeps." Jungkook mumbled against Taehyung's chest. Who was very passed out. "Go make me some breakfast or something." Jungkook said as he pulled away from Taehyung hold slowly to not wake him up.

"How are you feeling?" Hoseok asked.

"A little better I guess." Jungkook said as he put on his slippers. "Still feeling like shit, but not as much as last night."

"Sorry we left you alone yesterday we were having seconds and were about to head back home to look after you." Hoseok said with a smile.

"But after we saw Taehyung's post I was like nahhh he's in good hands now." Yoongi said with a grin. "So assuming by the cuddling it seems like you no longer hate Taehyung?"

"Shhh." The male glared and led the oldest two out into the hallway. He wasn't risking on telling them how he felt in front a maybe sleeping Taehyung. Hoseok and Yoongi both gave him a confused look as Jungkook paced up and down the hallway while running a hand through his hair.

"Last night when he was looking after me I got so nervous around him. Of course I didn't show it, but I did feel nervous as fuck. I felt like my heart was going to bust out at any moment." He stated. "I-I I kinda maybe possible had the urge to kiss him as well?" Jungkook said sounding more like a question than a statement.

"Holy shit our ship is somewhat sailing I guess.... It's okay I'll take what I can get." Hoseok said with a satisfied look. Earning him an eyeroll from Yoongi.

"Ship?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah Vkook... Or Taekook whichever you prefer." Hoseok said with a way to happy smile on his lips. "I mean haven't you seen your fandoms? They went from one minute hating on you to shipping the fuck out of you two." Hoseok informed.

"Bipolar as fuck if you ask me." Yoongi chimed in making Hoseok nod in agreement.

"Yeah I've seen the shipping and it never really bothered me. Well at first it did cause you know me dating Taehyung ew never in a million years." Jungkook said while making a face.

Yoongi laughed softly. "You sound like a third grader."

"Shut up and let me finish grandpa!" Jungkook shoot back earning him a glare from the oldest of the three.

"Anyways now when I think about us being together and seeing everyone say we would look cute together. It makes me blush and feel butterflies in my stomach!" Jungkook whined out. "And I Jeon Jungkook NEVER blush."

"Never? You sure about that?" Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow at the maknae.

"Yoongi leave him alone." Hoseok said as he walked over to Jungkook and wrapped an arm over his shoulder. As he looked at him with his regular sunshine smile that made Yoongi weak in the knees. Of course he would never confess that it did.

"You like Kim Taehyung Kookie just admit it." Hoseok said sounding very confident.

All Hoseok wanted was Jungkook to confess his feelings for Taehyung then help Jungkook make Taehyung fall for him. That's if Taehyung isn't already whipped for Jungkook which by the looks of it he was. Then finally get the two idiot together and start planning their wedding.

If Hoseok didn't know better he shipped Taehyung and Jungkook more than he shipped himself with Yoongi. Of course he'd never let Yoongi know that. Or else he'd be dead.

"Never!" Jungkook said as he pushed Hoseok's arm off of him. "He maybe less annoying now and not as fake as I thought he was, but I do not like him." Jungkook said. Without another word he stepped back into his room and closed the door. He pressed his back up against it and sighed softly as he watched a peacefully sleeping Taehyung on his bed.

"Am I starting to like you?" Jungkook mumbled out softly to himself. He stood there still for a few seconds before finally getting himself together and walking to the bathroom.

Once the door shut Taehyung opened his eyes and a big grin took over.

"I said it once and I'll say it again. Nobody can dislike Kim Taehyung for long." Taehyung said proudly.


So while I was writing this chapter the title "Jeon Jungkook Sucks" came into mind as a sequel.... And it's ruining my original plans for how the story wil end 😭😭😭

SOMEONE come knock out this new ideas out of me 🤧

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