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I don't own Harry Potter I also will post periodically with my one shots and Yandere books.

When Harry was Three he was hurt for the first time. It was his third birthday and they usually at least give him hand me downs but when he brought it up they took his hand and slammed it into the oven and left it there until he smelt his flesh. Crying as he was stabbed with a butter knife by his cousin. He stopped talking and even showed strange behavior. For example a girl pushed him and her doll snapped into pieces. On his fifth birthday he had walked to his parents grave and put a flower on it. "I miss you mama, I miss Daddy."  He sat and talked to his parents grave unknowing a snake was watching when Harry stared crying the snake came out. I don't mean to bother you, you seem sad human." Harry wiped his eyes and smiled and spoke back "It's fine it's just, they day of my birth my mom and dad died. Today is my fifth birthday. My aunt and uncle said they were drunks who were going to give me away." Harry had a sad smile on his face as he explained. "Your special you know?  Your a wizard!" His new found friend said. She agreed to teach him what he needed to know about the world he was born in.

Le time skips

Harry kept his knowledge of his world a secret. The last time he brought it it had ended in a 1-hour long Harry-Hunting fest with Vernon and His son along with his friends. His aunt didn't come outside but I looked like she was enjoying something to watch.
When his Letter FINALLY came he wasted no time getting to the bank to clam his lordships. "Mr.Potter, it's wonderful to see you've come of age." Said the head goblin as he lead Harry to his account manger. "Good day Mr.Potter." Harry nodded. "Just prick you finger and read out the sheet for your information.
When Harry did prick his finger he was turning red at the results.

Adoption form:

Name: Harry James Potter
Mother:Lily Evens-née Potter
Father:James Potter
Core: Light
Creature: None

Birth certificate:

Name: Hades Black-Riddle
Mother: Bellaerix Black-Riddle 
Father: Tom Black-Riddle
Core: Dark
Creature(s): Vampire (from father), Snake (from Slytherin heir), Raven (from Ravenclaw heir), Griffin, (from Gryffindor heir), Honey badger (from Hufflepuff heir) 
Mate: Unknown (blocked)

Potions and spells

-core binder spell (Set by Albus Dumbledore) 99.9%
-Love potion: Failed because of mate (Set by Albus Dumbledore)(Keyed to Ginny)
-Creature Block (Set By Albus Dumbledore)
-Obedience potion: (Set by Albus Dumbledore)


-Slytherin heir Vault: 3,394,458,945,395, Gallons. (Monthly withdraw of 1,000,000 by Albus Dumbledore, to Albus Dumbledores Vault.
-Potter(via Adoption)- 5,858,959 (Monthly withdraw of 1,900,000By Molly Weasley to Weasley Vault.)
-Black heir vault: 4,495,595,595,558 (No withdraws, no Key present
Riddle heir vault: 486,874,585,388 (No withdraws, no Key present)

Harry was so mad. "Get these damn blocks off now!" He said in a low voice that dripped with venom. "Just lay down on the bed in this room and we will do the rest. Though it may be uncomfortable." Said the goblin as he walked Har-Hades into the room. "Contact my parents, and get Albus' dirty hands out of my vaults." He said sitting down as everyone got to work.

More time skips cuz I'm lazy!

After that was over Hades had short black curly hair, red eyes, Green eyes with a spit center, fluffy ears and tail with a pair of jet black wings, and as to finish off the look he had gained a few (healthy) pounds.

Harry Potter And The Spread Of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now