The trial of the Weasley's

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On a bright Monday morning The Riddle and Malfoy's got ready for the Weasley's family trial. The twins who could now sit up on their own and blabber nonsense to each other were dressed in small suits and clip on bow ties. Draco saw them in the window and couldn't resist buying them. Draco wore a elegant green silk dress while Hades wore a more simple black suit.

Hades(ignore the sword and extras this was the best I could find

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Hades(ignore the sword and extras this was the best I could find.)


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Hades chuckled at him getting ready in the mirror. "Mind tell me what's so funny dear?" Draco said putting down the hair brush he was using. "I'm laughing because only a Malfoy would get this dressed up for a court case." Draco scoffed. "Must I remind you I am no longer a Malfoy but a Riddle. And besides it better than what that thing is on your head." Hades gave a another laugh and hugged him from behind. "My hair isn't that bad or you wouldn't have married it." Draco laughed replying, "I didn't marry that, you married this." He said Turing around time give Hades a passionate kiss which was happily returned before breaking away. "Now shoo you'll mess up my makeup." Draco said going back to fixing his hair. Hades could only laugh to see Draco sass hadn't changed at all.

When came time for the trial Hero was half paying attention on Draco's lap while Kayden seemed to like the small colors that his father shot out of his wand to keep him entertained. The court also came to the conclusion it would be best to question them one at a time. "We are here today to come to a verdict on the case of one Molly Weasley, one Arthur Weasley, one Percy Weasley, and one Ginny Weasley." Said the judge, Seeing as the Twins, Bill and Charlie were out of the household and didn't participate in the war they weren't put on trial.

Something had been bugging Hades and a few other dark wizards about the Weasley's. "Wait your honor, check them for potions!" Hades shouted as Draco looked at him, confused. "Why would you do that?" He asked. "Something about their cores isn't sitting right with me." It turned out Arthur was under a love potion and Liquid Impero along with Percy. "Oh my get these off immediately!" Ordered the Judge, since it was going to take a while with how long they were under it the wast a small break. Meanwhile, Draco and Hades watched lovingly as their children played in a transfigured playpen and their parents doing watching then as well.

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