A Big Surprise...

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Bruh someone owe me a cookie with how I stopped procrastinating and actually wrote this story.

Draco had been behaving strangely if you Asked Hades.

He kept vomiting and running a fever, Draco was  persistent that he was fine but after it continued for 3 days Hades called the healers in. The healer ran a quick scan and then smiled. "What's wrong? Is he ok?" Asked Hades who held Draco's hand trying to calm his nerves.

"Your husband is perfectly fine, he's actually with child." Hades froze. "You'll need to make sure he doesn't over work his magical core because the baby will be living off of it. Also it's best that you contact me whenever you have questions or if something is wrong." When the healer left Draco was the first to speak. "Had'..are you ok?" Hades let a few tear slip from his eyes before wrapping Draco in a hug.
"I'm so happy. I'm getting a family with you." Draco, after overcoming his shock, hugged him back.

The next day during dinner when everyone was gathered in the dinning room their plan was to slip them a picture of the baby that was taken durning the first visit however Draco running off to vomit was a dead giveaway.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Asked Narcissa in worry as her son emptied his stomach in the toilet. "It was supposed to be a surprise." Draco said voice slightly muffled due to him resting his head over the toilet bowl. When everyone looked at Hades he summoned the photos and the lady's knew instantly as Bella ran for some water and Narcissa rubbed his back congratulating him.

On Tom and Lucius' end it took a little bit of explaining till it dawned upon the two and they paled slightly wishing Hades luck. When the two departed after dinner and had gotten ready for bed Hades just held him close, looking around the room.

"Hades? Is something bothering you?" Draco asked noting his somewhat tight grip. "I don't know but I feel like something bad is about to happen." Draco reaches up and put a hand on his cheek. "We're fine nothing bad is going to happen. Besides no one would be stupid enough to even think about harming us."

Alas, if that was the case.

The pregnancy was hard on the couple because Draco was going through the worst of it as his body got used to the pregnancy. But on Hades end it was hard because he could be happy to sad to wanting to kill him in a matter of moments.

During the second month as the bump became semi visible if you pointed it out and they learnt they were having twins. The little tricksters were hiding behind each other. The healer said that the mass was irregular and could be a tumor on the small baby however when the worry set in from their mother they came complete out. Draco now believes he is emotionally connected to his children and Hades, well he may have cried.

Draco is now in his 7th month and is way more calm. Of course his cravings set in and he'd cry if he didn't get them but he a bit more level headed about things. Hades was in a state of utter panic because he didn't want anything to happen to the baby as any good father would. Hades has a meeting today but Draco wants to go shopping for baby cribs. The two split up but not after Hades makes sure he's ultra protected.

"Hades for the last time, yes I do have a bottomless bag that is filled with my snacks and my vitamins, yes I will take 2 death eaters with me, AND yes I know you just want me to be safe." Hades stood dumbfounded for a good few minutes before he gave Draco on last kiss and departed.

In the middle of shopping Draco noticed the order having a rally to get more supporters and it wasn't going good. They had only gotten two more people and no one stayed not wanting to be seen with him. Draco simply giggled and walked away to keep shopping for a few more minutes befe

When Draco turned to tell the 2 minions he was ready to do he only saw Albus and his followers. Draco tried getting away be he ended up stunned before he could.

When Draco did wake up he was in a unfamiliar room with a hard lumpy mattress and a old dresser. Draco quickly (as quick as he could) hopped out of bed and went to the door only to find it locked.

Foot steps made their way closer and Draco backed into a corner with his hands over his belly. When the door opened Albus, Ginny, Hermione, Molly, and Ron stood in the door. Draco was on the verge of tears before Molly started to slowly walk to him. "Aww the babies will turn out perfect Albus! And well raise them so well don't you worry." I then dawned upon Draco what they meant. These monsters were going to take his children.

"No! Leave me and my boys alone!" Draco yelled getting impossibly closer into the corner. Molly stoped and Albus spoke up. "Don't worry when you have them you won't remember a thing about them or Hades, to save you the heart break." They began to retreat out the room and Draco attempted to get out but he wasn't fast enough.

For 2 hours he sat and cried trying and failing to contact his mate and had finally given up. Draco was going to lose the life he had, and could do nothing about it.

Meanwhile the 2 Death Eaters who went with him were trying to hide from the rage of Hades. He had destroyed his room and was about to destroy more until Remus found a away to tell them where the base of the Order was. Hades was the about to fly out and take it over himself but his father had sat him down and told him it was better to go prepared.

The plan was that the death Eaters would be split into teams. One half would go and create a fake raid while the other half would rescue Draco and burn down the base.

The rescue team would be Narcissa, Lucius, Hades, and Bella along with a other Death Eaters. Then the other team would just be Tom and the rest of his followers.

At exactly 12 pm Sirius would run in and yell about the raid. Of course they couldn't leave their key to success alone so Ron and Hermione was set to watch him. Draco hadn't moved from his bed as he told story to the babies trying to make the last few moments with his children special. A green gas had filled the hall and Ron and Hermione passed out on the ground. Hades had used a filtration charm on the hall before running into Draco's room who had heard the foot steps and couldn't help but curl up in fear.

"Kitten! Your ok!" Hades said running to him and hugged him. Draco couldn't be happier as he hugged him back. "We have to go their burning this place to the ground." Draco nodded and held on as Hades kicked open a window and the two flew back home.

Meanwhile Tom had saw the signal and ordered the team to retreat. Thinking they had won the order came back to the destroyed base and a letter.

Don't ever pull a stunt like that again or I'll kill more than two of your little followers.

It immediately dawned on Molly that the two children had been burnt to death

1297 words

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