The final battle...

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Heueueueueuueeueueu almost done

It was time to fight the final battle.

The plan was to ambush the school and get the children who aren't directly participating in the war willingly to a safe space. They may be dark but they aren't monsters. Draco was going to stay home and offer support to those who get critically injured along with watching the twins. He was also a stand-in potions master while Severus was out fighting as he did had good combat skills.

Hades, his father and his mother would take the most trusted of the inner circle (Sirius, Remus, Narssisa, Lucius and Severus although he would be in the great hall) and the others would assist as needed.

It was dinner time and the dark mark made its way through the sky as the wards were being taken down. "Everyone line up from 7-1 years!" Albus yelled when he felt the wards being Tampered with. The first year Hufflepuffs were standing in front of some scared child regardless of house telling them that it was ok the Ravenclaws had already thought about how they were going to escape if worst comes to worst and the Gryffindors and Slytherin stood in front.

The older years were understandably scared for themselves and the younger children. The order had come over for a meeting a while ago and hadn't left so they were supposedly safe. When the wards fell those who could fight ran in while some healers stayed behind and helped the ward breakers who passed out. All of the secret exits were blocked and majority of the staff and students were cornered into the dinning hall.

Minerva McGonagall was tutoring some of her students who didn't seem to understand the lesson when the wards fell. She gasped and quickly lead the children to were the Order was. She may not like them but they had more experience than her in this department. On the way she was stopped by a low ranked death eater who had joined about a month ago. "Please come with me we're are taking the students elsewhere." Minerva scoffed as she stood in front of them. "I'd rather die then let you hurt innocent children!" The death eater laughed. "We won't hurt them we just want to take them to somewhere safe, you can come too." Skeptical Minerva followed to the RoR.

Inside students sat at comfortable looking chairs and tables as teachers wondered around making sure everyone was ok. The students who were here most likely missed dinner so they ate meals similar to that of a Hogwarts feast. "See miss we don't want to involve them in a war they have no business in." The death eater said walking out to find more refugees. Minerva looked around and saw the mistake she made of leaving all the children in Albus' hands who even put them in deadly challenges for the sake of entertainment.

"Wait!" She shouted after him. "Yes?" The death eater questioned. "The dinning hall has most of the students inside and some don't even know how to fight. Please bring them here." He nodded and walked out the door.

Hades had gotten a message from a lower ranked death eater about the dinning hall and headed there with his parents hot on his heels. As soon as he opened the door he was greeted with a group of children who had their wands shakily pointed at him. "Come on out and face me like a man instead of hiding behind children Albus!" Yelled out his father.

"CHARGE!" Albus responded and the children shot out all the spells they knew. Of course the dark easily deflected them. The children who gave in easily were sitting in a corner with a few Dark members guarding them. Other who put up a fight were petrified and any injured death eaters took their emergency portkey. Albus has saw how outnumbered he was and took hold of a injured Death eater who was about to portkey out and followed to Riddle Manner.

Draco had been rushing around with the injured and paying attention to the twins who mostly slept and only cried when their pacifier fell out, and even then it was only some small whines. Most had been tended to and those who weren't injured too horribly were sent back out if they wanted. When Albus arrived he quickly cast the killing curse so he didn't have time alert anyone else. He took the outfit he was wearing (thankfully they were the same size) and made his way through the halls.

Albus found himself in the twins nursery as they slept still. A sinister idea crept into his head as he removed his mask and carefully took the children from their cribs but not before the boys managed to send a wave a magic to their mother Albus had felt it too and quickly walked over to the balcony and held the children, who cried loudly, by their onesies.

Draco had ran over immediately and gasped at the sight. "Why are you here?!" Draco said tears gathering in his eyes. "I think you know why I'm here. You my ticket to winning. Now drop your wand on the floor and any funny business at all and I will drop them." Draco slid his wand on the floor. "Now come with me and calm these brats before I do it myself!" Albus yelled shoving the children in his arms carelessly. Draco obeyed, he was far from done fighting though. He was a Slytherin to his every end and knew something Albus didn't. Hades had warded every room before he left and would notice the unknown magic signature.

Back tracking to when Albus left Hades had felt someone enter the wards and thought it was just a injured death eater. They had rounded out all the children and send them off to the RoR while the Adults battled. "It shameful that the order would hide behind children." Tom said with his wand at the ready. "You let your son on the battle field and he is no more then a child too." Retorted Molly. "He is trained and willing he wanted to fight with me. I gave him hope and you "light" wizards took him away." "It was for the greater good!" A random member shouted. "Enough talk, lets end this once and for all."

Needless to say it was a VERY anticlimactic fight. The Light threw spell after spell but the dark petrified them all along with Severus coming out and catching them by surprise so then they took them to the dungeon in their basement. Minerva was put in charge of telling parents and the children were sent home early.

All thought out this time Hades couldn't get rid of the felling until they did a head count. "That's all them not including Severus or the old fool." Then it dawned upon him. "He's at home with..Oh no!" Hades then made his way home quickly and ran up to the twins room were Draco was siting in a chair holding them close as tears slid down his face, Albus slowly coming out of the shadows. "Hello my boy." Hades growled like a wild animal. "I won't hurt them  you just have to do what I say."

With Hades anger he unleashed his full power with a loud rawr making the house shake. Vines shot from the open balcony door from the garden and wrapped around Albus' wrist making him drop his wand. Snakes from the forest around the manner darted up the vines with venom dripping from their fangs. Hades eyes glowed a bright, almost blinding white.

Hades had complete wrapped him vines almost cutting off his oxygen supply before his family came in. "Hades you need to calm down! See Draco and the twins are both safe." His Father yelled only to get a rawr back in response. There was only one way to get Hades to calm down. "Hades please your scaring me!" Draco yelled making Hades rush over to him pulling the twins and Draco close. "Sorry." Was all he mumbled out as Draco nodded. "It's ok the twins sleep right through it all with you magic keeping them calm."

Albus was taken out as Hades calmed down and took Draco and the twins to his and Draco's bedroom for the night. "It's hard to believe that it all over." Draco said playing with Hero and Kayden as they giggled. "It's not over yet Albus needs to be punished for the crimes he committed against you and me along with the countless other wizards and witches." Draco nodded.

"When are we going to court again?" He asked as the twins finally got tired again. "Seeing as their are so many people the followers will be questioned collectively and the ones who were more active would have a trail were we can testify. So we have about a month." Hades said summoning some pacifiers for the babies. "Ok I think it's time we get some sleep." Draco said yawning making Hades nod in agreement. The family of four went to sleep with Hades wing and Draco's tail subconsciously coming over them.

This one was long but here you are!

1537 words

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