It's time...

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Oooh y'all gonna hate me... By the way thank you GachaDiamond646 and StarlightMoon1100 for the name suggestions

Draco and Hades landed safely in the garden near the back door were hades held him just a little while longer before he gave out a gasp. "Hades? What's wrong?" Hades pulled away as a knife stuck out of his stomach. Draco then gasped and he fell to the ground. "Hades! Please just hold on!" Draco pleaded as the Hades vomited up some blood.

"So unfortunate that he died by his own fathers hands." Said a voice. Draco looked up to see Albus with a polyjuice in his hand. "G-Go take care of my boys f-for me." Hades said his eyes starting to lose focus. "No! We can take care of them together just hold on!" Draco said grabbing his hand.

"Please, please don't leave me. I can't do it without you." Draco said as his voice cracked and tears fell down his face. "I love all of you.." then Hades' lost his grip as Draco let out a scream hugging his body close. "Please come back, please, please."

"How touching. I'll be taking the children now OBLIVIATE!"


Draco shot awake and let out a scream effetely waking up Hades. "Draco what's wrong?!" He said as he held him close. "H-he k-killed you I-I-I saw you die!"  Hades eyes widened at them mention of that nightmare.

On the day of saving Draco and the unborn twins Hades had gotten stabbed by a random order member. Of course he easily recovered by using his magic Draco was scared to death thinking they had finally killed him. That was about a week ago and the twins were due any-day now.

"Hush Draco you don't want to upset the twins do you?" Hades said trying to soothe him. "I-I don't think I could make them any more upset they been kicking all day." Draco said calming down slowly. "Maybe their trying to calm me, I love it when they kick." Draco said smiling before wincing and his eyes getting wide in realization.

"I-I think my water just broke." Hades eyes got wide as well before running to floo the doctor and not tripping flat on his face first. As the Healer ran to the room his knocked on his parents and Draco's parents rooms and gave no further explanation than "Babies! Now!"

Draco lay in bed with one of Hades shirts on and his midsection exposed. Draco was pain as sweat rolled down his forehead and Narcissa and Bella cleaned off the sweat and Hades held his hand. The other men had been shooed out by the mothers and Hades, it was understandable he didn't want anyone to see his mate vulnerable. It was a stretch just letting the mothers in. "It's only a few moments longer then he'll be ready." The healer stated making Draco sigh in slight relief that this was almost over.

When it was time the woman were ushered out of the room and as Draco grabbed Hades hand tightly. "I'm scared." "You have every right to be kitten but it's all most over then you get to see our boys. Don't you want to see them?" Hades said taking his mind off the pain for a second. A sheet was placed over his stomach as the healer got to work.

I don't know how dis really works soo we gonna skip.

Draco was of course dead tired and looked at the twins in the cots next to the bed. "You did it darling, I'm so proud of you." Hades said moving some stray strands of hair off his face. "Go to sleep kitten I promise I'll watch over the twins." And to that Draco fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.

A few hours latter when Draco came too he saw Hades cooing over the twins as they babbled nonsense back. Draco could only smile at the scenario enjoying the view of his small family. "I see your awake." Hades said after he noticed Draco looking at him. "We haven't thought about the names yet, do you have any ideas?" Hades asked after crawling into the bed with Draco holding him.

"I was thinking, for the oldest let's do Hero. I don't know why but it just makes sense." Hades nodded along as his mind ran with names as well. "Then..for his middle name he can take mine." Hades suggested. "So for our eldest boy we have Hero Hades Riddle. What about the youngest?" Draco asked, Hades had summoned a clipboard his mother gave him with name suggestions that were supposed to go to him or Draco. "Then....for our youngest we can do...Kayden...Chase Riddle." Draco said looking at the clipboard with him. "Then it's settled their names are Hero Hades Riddle and Kayden Chase Riddle." Hades stated making the clipboard vanish and snuggling closer to Draco.

The twins were surprisingly quiet and only made the slightest noises when they needed something. If their parents weren't there they sent a small magic pull to them. It was calm for a moment however the calm doesn't always last.

869 words

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