The Trial Of Albus Dumbldore

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I'm so excited to finish this book! Also quick A/N seeing as Hades/Harry never went to Hogwarts, Lockhart never got busted.

It was finally time for Albus to be charged for what he did. Hades and Draco decided with how dangerous this man was they'd leave them in care of a babysitter but Draco wasn't having it.

"Are you sure they have all the qualifications? Like magical child care, and even a valid CPR license. because you never know!" Draco said as he paced around the room trying to calm his anxiety for leaving the children alone. Hades took Draco's hands  to stop his pacing. "Kitten, they'll be fine. They know everything about children and had even worked voluntarily at a pediatric hospital." "I know but, leaving my boys here alone gives me a bad feeling especially with that Lockhart guy."

Lockhart was a proud man who claimed to have a lot of experience with children. Hades saw it magic was a bit dark but leaning more towards the gray area so he wasn't going to do the children any harm. "Now let's go, we can't keep everyone waiting and the soon we get back, the sooner we can be with them again."

They had worn the same outfits as last time but they had been cleaned and ironed. They made their way to the court room once again holding each other's hands as they sat down. Albus came is shouting something about the greater good and how he was supposed to save the Wizarding World. He even had a straitjacket on because he kept attacking people.

When he finally made it to the chair he turned to Hades. "Harry, my boy please tell them it was a misunderstanding." Hades eyes glowed a brilliant  white as he stood up and growled. "Harry is dead to me as it is the rest of the world because he never existed!" Draco took his had gently and Hades sat back down.

"Ok this is a long list so bare with me here." Said the judge drinking a glass of water quickly before clearing his throat and beginning. "We are here today on the behave of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, who is being charged of the accounts of not allowing a fair trial to one Sirius Black, hiding the identity, kidnapping form rightful parents, placing with abusive muggles, stealing from, blocking the inheritance of, hiding and kidnaping the at the time pregnant Mate of,  entering to a dangerous tournament even though underage, taking the children of, one Harry James Potter now Hades Riddle while also Brainwashing, and tormenting members of a his own order, and stating wrongful information about One Remus Lupin.  How do you plead?" The judge said, everyone looked surprisingly at him for managing to say that in one breath.

"Not guilty." Albus said looking Hades in they eye. What he didn't know is what Hades had perfected his mental shields and he looked right back at him before smiling. "Administer the Potion." Another Guard came out and fed Albus the potion.

"State your name." "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Dumbledore said robotically just as the rest had. "Is it true you stole from, kidnapped, hid the identity of, hid the identity of the mate of, entering a dangerous tournament, placing with abusive muggles and attempting to kidnap the mate and at the time unborn children of one Hades riddle?" Asked the judge with one eyebrow raised.

"It is true I did that but I didn't enter Harry into the tournament, I tried to enter Draco Malfoy but the forum was changed." Mumbling spread in the crowd as the scratching of quills from the reports got faster and their parchments got longer. "I'll say it once, it is Hades Riddle and Draco Riddle." The judge said somewhat annoyed.

"Is it true that you kidnapped the mate of Hades Riddle before and held him hostage after the Riddle children were born?" "Yes, I held the twins out the balcony and said I would toss them out if Draco Malfoy didn't listen to my demands." The judge sighed and rubbed his temples. "For the last time their names are Hades Riddle and Draco Riddle"

"Moving on, did you not give a fair trail to one Sirius Black along with state that one Remus Lupin was "unstable individual"?" "Yes, I know if Hades has any other living relatives I he wouldn't go to the Dursley's." Remus looked down right mad enough to commit murder until Sirius took his hand.

"Administer the antidote." Stated the Judge when Albus' eyes cleared he looked mortified. "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you have been found guilty of all accounts and I will be giving the Riddle family and all others who you've directly harmed full custody to do whatever they wish even murder case is dismissed." Cheers erupted from the crowded as Albus was drug to the exit.

Hades and Draco returns home to hear the loud crud of their children. With their parental instincts in over drive, the rushed up the stairs. Lockhart was trying to quite the twins before giving up and attempting to suffocate them with teddy bears. A spell shot forward and shot Lockhart into a wall effectively rendering him unconscious.

Draco had summoned some formula, giving one to Hades and each picked up a twin feeding them and soothing them to sleep and putting them back in their respective cribs. When Lockhart came too he was meet with a very angry looking couple.

"Don't hurt me! I was just doing what I was told by Albus!" Lockhart knew that was his only way of escaping even if it meant lying. Draco however could detect lies from a mile away. "He's lying, how would you get in contact with a maximum security prisoner?" Lockhart panic we and tired running but Hades stood in front of him when he was half way to the door. "You endangered the life of my children, since I'm feeling merciful today I'll let you off with a quick death." And with that hades drove his hand into his chest as his heart hit the ground with a wet thunk.

Lockhart gasped but fell to the ground dead within moments. Draco delivered a small, playful punch to his head. "You got blood all over your clothes. Come on we both are in need of a shower." Hades smiled and followed him

Hi I'm not dead I just have midterms :)

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