The Last Task

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I made some edits to the last chapter to make this one make sense

After a few months Hades was faced with the last task and he felt confident he could complete it.

Draco had watched in the Stands holding up a small flag with Hades name on it. As the Contestants lined up he looked up to Draco who cheered for him and smiled.

The task was a Maze with flower covered walls and the objective was simple. Get to the center of the maze and get the trophy. When the sparks flew signaling it was time to start Hades raced off into the Maze and soon noticed something odd a path of Alstroemeria, flowers meaning wealth and prosperity. Hades then chuckled at the small detail.

This Maze wasn't a test of logic it was a test of observation, the flowers were your ticket out but most would pay them no attention. Good thing he payed attention to his mother when she lectured him about the perfect flowers to give his mate.

He moved to the center moving out of they way of vines that tried beheading him dozens of times. When he arrived apparently the fake Cedric had the same idea as him and they met eye to eye.

"Well I see we had the same idea." Cedric said with his hand on his wand. "Well done Cedric, unfortunately I have to win this tournament." Hades then pulled out his own. "Oh I want to win for reasons more than your own. You see, that little Neko of yours is extremely adorable and I wish to have it for my own. And if you die in this competition then he will need a shoulder to cry on." Hades growled and lunged at Cedric faster then he could proses. Hades then sunk his fangs into his neck making Cedric scream loud enough to scare everyone in the Maze.

Cedric clawed at his neck as it swelled up and his veins became more prominent and blue. Cedric's pupils then began to pop leaving him blind, eventually he began convulsing harshly with blood coming out of his mouth. The last step of the venom is a seizure that has a 98% fatally rate, if that didn't kill you then the cardiac arrest after would. Unfortunately Cedric had to suffer longer and wasn't killed by the seizure. Now with him dead the potions and glamorous won't wear off.

Hades felt no remorse and took the trophy as the walls fell down and everyone cheer before someone came over and pronounced Cedric dead. The area filled with silence. Cedric's father came over and held his son 'crying' upset over his death.

"Y-your a monster!" He yelled but Hades wasn't fazed as he walked over to Draco who gave him a kiss on the cheek for winning. The par made their way back to their dorm to get packed.

While Hades was in the middle of packing his books and Draco packing his clothing when a tap on the window rung through the room. "I'll get it kitten" Hades said going to open it.

When Hades did the room warmed up due to his magic sparking, quite literally as  sparks flew out the ground.  "Hades whats the matter?" Draco asked rubbing his shoulder. Hades took a deep breath and calmed down. "I have to see the headmaster, if I'm not back before dinner is over go home and tell my father." Draco's eyes got wide and he hugged his waist. "No! You won't go alone I can't let him have you." Hades sighted and scratched Draco's ears. "Please go doll, if you don't then he could get his hands on you." Draco pouted. "Then I'll be safer with you." Hades didn't reply having no come back and took his hand as the par walked to the headmasters office.

When they arrived inside Albus was sitting with his grandfatherly act up. "Hades my boy I wanted to talk to you about your request to leave?" Hades face remained neutral as he nodded. "I think you'd be much safer here-" Hades sat up and cut him off. "Safe? My submissive was put into danger! He was weak and bedridden for days! I don't think this place is any safer than what your trying to tell me. Also I haven't forgotten about the rumors that someone stole the Philosopher's Stone that you tried to cover up with this horrible game." Hades regained himself and said, "now I will take my submissive and leave by nightfall."

Hades then got up and left leaving a shocked headmaster in his wake.

Heueueueueuueeueueu things are going to go down!

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