The Second Task

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Heueueueueuueeueueu >:)

Hades had woken the next morning without the warmth of his mate. He looked frantically but couldn't find them. Hades had decided to ask Snape if he'd had seen them.

"He did come down here asking for gillyweed, he found out the next task was going to be underwater and wanted you to able to breath. Did he not return?" Snape asked worried about the safety of godson. "Unfortunate he didn't and now I'm worried, with Dumblfuck running around he isn't safe." Hades said, and for a single moment you could see his eyes soften. "Anyway I need to get to the lake, see you there Professor." Snape was worried about the boy knowing how hard it was to not know about the safety of your Mate. He was unrequited soulmates of Lily but she was mates to James. Snape shook it off and went back to making the cure for Boils for the nurse.


At the task Hades was quick to aggravate and easily annoyed. Eventually when it was time to start and all the contestants put on their swimsuits, Hermione transfigured her head to a fish as a extremely unattractive mermaid. Cho casted a bubble head charm and Cedric transformed into a shark.

It had dawned upon Hades that some snakes could breath under water, however if this did back fire then he could easily summon some gillyweed.

When the contestants dove in Hades felt a strong pull to bottom. Hades swam down into the murky water and almost forgot how to breath. Draco was sitting tied up at the bottom of the lake, unconscious with his any open hole on his face bound shut. Hades looked around and saw other items that belonged to the other Contestants like Cho's Diary.

Irate Hades quickly broke the ropes keeping him down and swam up with Draco. However he stopped midway as he saw the others looking around. Hades silently pointed to the other side of the lake which held the more...Violent Merfoke and the others nodded, well the best they could and swam off. However Cedric went the opposite direction. Hades by emerged holding Draco and undoing the bindes on his face as he awoke and took a deep breath.

"H-Hades? T-The t-t-task-" Hades shushed him and held him close. Draco's temperature was rapidly dropping. "Don't worry about anyhing but warming up kitten." Hades wings unraveled from their hidden form and hugged the two.

Draco began to warm up slowly and and Hades eyes glowed a deep red. Who even thinks of taking a submissive away with their dominant most like about to kill anyone who even looked in their direction?

After the others came out of the water and Draco could at lest stop shaking, Hades carried him on his back with a warming charm over a conjured blanket and began shouting at Albus. "What the fuck is wrong with you old man?!" Albus looked a bit taken back. "What do you mean my boy-" "I am not your boy! You know damn well why I'm angry about you taking him!" Albus held a gleam in his eye as he chuckled. "This was just a simple matter of the task I needed to get something of value-" Hades cut him off once again. " That's right some THING of value! Not someones mate! I will make you pay. Mark. My. Words"

Before the fight could escalate Draco let out a small yawn and shiver. Hades pulled him up on his back and walked to his dorm room.

Hades refused to let anyone in but the healer his father called over after he heard about what happened. The poor thing had a the Flu and couldn't leave bed. "I'm going to kill him I promise Kitten." Hades said as Draco weekly ate from the soup he was being fed. Draco didn't respond as he knew how stubborn the boy was when was dead set on something.

About a week later Draco was all healed up and was ready for classes Hades had pretty much followed him as a bodyguard. At breakfast the Daily Profit flew in through the window landing on the tables.

Albus kidnaps a mate?!

It is true dear readers, at the second task of the Tournament Hades Riddle's mate was kidnapped and placed underwater for a long period of time.

When Hades had rescued his mate [Draco Malfoy] he was furious and even threatened the man. And before you began saying negative things Article 2 paragraph 5 of "The List of Matting Rules and Regulations" it states that "If a dominant or submissive is put in any danger then the mated couple have full rights to sue or kill the offender and not face any punishment by law." This law was created when a dominant was wrongfully in-prisoned for protecting his family from a attacker.

Now Hades did not release a statement on the about the condition of the submission but it with the displayed respiratory issues and shaking it looked to be the flu or cold.

We now know the truth of how far Albus will go and that makes you question what else he did. Did he really have a something to do with the disappearance with Voldemort's son? Will he do more?

Stay tuned dear readers.

~Rita Seeker

The news had now been all over Wizarding England and probably the world. A few teachers looked at Albus with angry look and Hades just smirked.

The next day when classes were over a soft pecking at the window altered Hades someone had sent them something. Draco, who was sitting near the window at the desk opened it and read the letter. "It's for you." He said turning to Hades. He walked over to him and wrapped his hands around his waist opening and reading the letter.

Dear son,

With the current events that have transpired me, your mother, and. Draco's parents think that it would be good if you left Hogwarts and were taught at home instead.

If I'm being frank I'm scared for you and seeing how far the so called "light" leader has gone I don't want to see you heartbroken because of something that happened to you or your mate.

I've also been meaning to tell you about a new ally, the Cedric boy and his father have joined our side and I have a plan. During the final task he will provoke you on purpose however that isn't him it is a muggle hidden as him that will be made to look and act like him. You must get rid of him before he realizes he can't use magic. It would be too odd if a normally talented boy can't preform a disarming spell. 

Anyway I have other matters to attend to, like the unfortunately growing pile of paperwork on my desk. If I knew being a dark lord required this much paperwork I would have never done it.

I'll stop procrastinating now, love you-know-who.

Hades chuckled as he read the letter and gave Draco a kiss before letting him go back to his homework.

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