Together till the end..

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About 5 years had passed since we last checked in on our story. Hades and Draco were now 16 and legal adults in the Wizarding world.

Tom had began to bond with his Horcoxs starting with the most difficult about 4 years ago, the Diary. Using a foolish girl who's name he cared not to remember he had gathered more of his soul. This also made proof that he was back. With small and big raids dotted across the timeline the dark life had been mostly quiet.

Today however was not going to be quite as Hades had a plan. He was goin to propose to Draco. Now that they were both of legal age they could get married. Of course Hades was gonna go all out on this proposal. Draco woke up alone in his bed but with a note and a black bag

Hello my kitten, I wanted to ask you a question. But not before you complete this quest for me. First get dressed doll.

Draco giggled and rushed off the the bathroom to put on the outfit and fixing his hair.

 After he finished Draco walked downstairs to find a breakfast feast laid out on the table

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After he finished Draco walked downstairs to find a breakfast feast laid out on the table. He saw the not siting on the chair at the head of the table.

Eat up kitten you have a long day a head of you. After you've eaten come on out to the garden, I've got a gift for you there.

Draco smiled and ate as quickly as his manners would allow then he darted off to the garden walking around till he found a secluded bench with pink roses all around

Draco smiled and ate as quickly as his manners would allow then he darted off to the garden walking around till he found a secluded bench with pink roses all around

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A few flowers that had been picked and thornless sat with a note wrapped around the stems

Your almost there now this one you need to find out yourself. What is my most favorite room in the entire manner?

Draco took off know the answer instantly. It was a trick question of sorts. In the manor was a room like the Room Of Requirements it could project any image you wanted of anyplace even if it doesn't exist.

When he made it Draco fixed his hair and held the flowers closely in hand. When he opened the door it was like being on the beach with A gazebo at the end of the path he was standing on.

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