The Candidates

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Hades sat at dinner waiting for Draco to finish. Since Hades doesn't eat he normally reads a book until Draco gets done. With his wing possessively around Draco and his eyes trained on a book he hardly noticed when a girl with red hair a freckles came over.

"Hi, Hades~" they way she said his name made him feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable. With a pout Draco straddled Hades Lap and whispered, "I'm full, can we go back to our room?" With a devilish grin he carried Draco to the Slytherin heir bedroom.

The next morning the same girl tried again only this time she was wearing a too small uniform. "Hades why don't you come sit with us?~" when she tried touching his shoulder a loud crack filled the room then screams. "I guess you still don't get it! He doesn't want you I'M his mate and if you can't get that in your thick skull then I'll will break it open and make sure you hear me! We clear?" She quick nodded and ran away. Draco cuddled up to Hades who petted his ears making him purr.

Next week Hades was assigned a task by his father to get into the old fools office and find where he put the contestants names. Getting in was easy finding the paper was going to be a challenge. His plan was to enter the games, and on the final level reck havoc with his family. "Found it!" Hades quietly exclaimed as he took the paper and his blood began to boil.


Slytherin: Draco Malfoy
Hufflepuff: Cedric Diggory
Ravenclaw: Cho Chang
Gryffindor: Hermione Granger

Why out of all the people did his small adorable Neko have to get picked? He erased Draco's name and replaced it with his own. Quickly running out of the office and into his room to "go back to sleep"

This is late because I forgot to hit post *facepalm*

324 words

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