Paying a vist to the Dursley's...

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More of this because I'm bored

It turned out that that Dumbledore had been fooling around with more than a few death eaters minds but with a few spells it was a quickly solved problem. Hades' mother however was ready to get her hands on the people who hurt her baby. "Mama, I get your exited but you need to calm down." He says They actually got Hades' wand which is Yew with a Phoenix feather core 15 inches (which he didn't even knew existed.) "Well I'm sorry I'm a overly excited mother who is going to see her baby boy use curses for the first time!" She sassed. They didn't get a tracking on his wand, and wand history deletion magic was child's play.

The plan we simple, the'd leave Hades at the house and then he'd get the honor of torture them and the parents gets to kill him. "Did you eat? Did you brush your hair?" His mother asked, he nodded. "Great lets go!"

At the Dursley's

Hades kicked open the door to see a huge woman sitting at the table with them. "Hello." He walked to the table. "IS THAT ANYWAY TO GREET ANYONE BOY?! YOU LITTLE-" "Shut your trap, you oversized cow." Hades said to the large woman. "WHY ARE DISRESPECTING MY SISTER?!" Harry rolled his eyes, 'his aunt' came over before the start of every school year. he then waved to the door telling his mother and father to come in. "You see Vernon, my REAL mother and father didn't like what you and your family did when they found me. You told me I had no family and no one loved me. So when I found them I was so confused of why they didn't treat me like you did, then I found out your just a abuser who doesn't care about anybody." While talking Hades bound them and sat them on the couch. "This is perfect! One for each of us and we can just kill the extra!" His mother said laughing crazily "Now for the first predicament, how are we going to get to get them there? We can take the skinny lady on broom but our brooms have weigh limits." His father said trying to think of a plan to get them back to the manner. "Actually dad the only reason I want to take them to the manner was because I need a blood bag until Draco accepts me." Hades said smiling with fangs on display. He then when over to Vernon and bit his arm then began to spit out the blood he drank. "His blood tastes like salt and grease! Dear god how are you even alive?!" Hades yelled wiping his tongue while his mother tried to hold in a laugh.
"We can just kill them here! I there's no point it will just be worse for the next and I'll probably get liver disease because of them!" Hades Hissed to his father. His mother was getting Inpatient and wanted to kill the ones who hurt her baby. "Can we kill them before I try to kill you both!" His mother yelled before pulling out her wand. "Sure! Just remember we need to leave something for the old fool to find"

You can skip this part

Harry put away his wand, much to his mothers confusion and pulled out a knife. He set to stabbing him in many places but none o the vital ones. Him mother had released her anger on the skinniest lady because of the pain he she caused her son by casting Crucio but letting up every few seconds to make sure they don't go insane. Now the one who had it the worst was tbe youngest. His father had removed the youngest's fat and healed but took away no pain. They kept the torment up until they got bored of it (or in the dark lords case ran out of skin.) instead of a merciful death, Hades managed to somehow fit them all into the cupboard he lived in and locked the door making a gas pour itself into the room. After they all died and only the last woman was left, (under the Imperio) she wiped her finger prints over the knife they used and hung herself in the bedroom out of guilt.

Your good :3

After that Hades walked into Draco's room and checked on him, he wouldn't dare bother his sweet heart when he was sleeping. After checking on Draco, Hades went into his own room and fell asleep.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading!

766 words

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