He's going mad....

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Now let's continue.

Sirius Black was sitting in his cell quietly wondering what was going to happen today, left to stay afloat in water all day or no food? After 3 failed attempts to get out, he decided he was never going to get Remus back. However, one guard, Shi Shi was what she asked to be called but their name was really Saki always took care of him after the torture and comforted him when he was sad about not being able to see Remus.

A loud explosion made the alarms go off and the wall had been blown to smithereens. The bars on Sirius' cell had been blown open and he walked over. There in all his glory was the dark lord with his...Cousin?

"You say this is him, Bella?" A voice ran out. "Yes, this is him, HELLO THERE SIRI!" She yelled out waving her hands like a madwoman. This caused Sirius to chuckle and his dry voice replied with "You haven't changed at all have you? And you've all this way for me? How thoughtful." Bella nodded and walked over to him pulling him into a hug before pulling away. "Ok we will not have this conversation until you get a shower, and a hair cut with proper clothing." Yet another chuckle and the group left the prison.

Back at the house Sirius was fixed up and told about current events. After that, he was brought to the main meeting room and he, Bella, and Tom had a lovely conversation. Until the subject of Remus was brought up. "We found some people for you, now keep in mind even if you don't join the dark we're not monsters and you'll still have them with you." Then Tom waves and a person was brought in struggling.

"Get off me you vile—Siri?!" Remus stopped struggling and allowed himself to be brought over. " "Re'.." Sirius said walking over and pulling the other into a hug. "God, I've missed you so much." The par ended up in tears before Remus pulled out a chan, golden of course, that had a rose gold ring on it. "I-it's your wedding ring, you dropped it when they took you out of the house." Sirius took the ring and slid it on his finger. "I missed you so much, I tried so hard to get to you." They put their heads together and smiled. "You have a daughter you know her name, well nickname is Shi Shi? Their birth name is Skia."Sirius's eyes opened wide. "You mean to tell me that Skia who was a guard in jail was my Skia?!" Remus then shot up and liked him in the eye. "I knew they were running off somewhere after I told them about you durning the summer But I didn't think it was azkban!"

The two talked for a while deciding that they'd join the dark after they learned of Dumb-as-a-door's lies. Then Sirius and Remus was brought up to speed with Hades' life and his mate.

The two lovers were happy to me reunited and were left a week of relaxation and reconnecting before they started training.

HULLO! this chapter is for to Xxx_MissMeme_xxX I hope you don't mind I changed your OC's name it's Greek for shadow I just thought it be cute also I didn't see a gender so I hope you don't mind their a girl

Anyway I know your all probably upset with me not updating buuuut I did now :)

Imma let y'all finish y'all homework cuz you picked your device and started reading not doing cuz I did the same thing

639 words

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