First day....

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I'm sorry about not posting because I've been extremely busy but! Here you are!

Hades was bored. He had learned every in charms and was making his feather fly up and down and even do loops. Draco had masted it as well and was reading up on the history of the spell. By the time class was over Hades almost flew out of class (literally) and went to DADA. Draco walked calmly walked behind him.

When in DADA Hades took a seat next to Draco putting him on his lap scratching his ears. The mateless teacher Umbrage didn't like that. "You too need to separate, it causing a distraction." Hades growled lowly and pulled Draco closer. "I don't think so." He said. Getting upset Umbrage said, "Then don't I'm sure your parents would love hear about your misconduct. Now open your text books to page 345." Draco complied silently reading a book as Hades admired him.

After dinner, Hades was called to the head masters office. His mother and father—under glamour of course— sat there with frowns on there faces. "On a scale of 1-30 how much trouble am I in?" Hades asked. "30 if you don't start explaining." Hades father said with gritted teeth. He only does that when is trying to keep his magic under control. "She was trying to take him away! I couldn't let her do that!" Hades snapped with his wings flaring up.   With a look of understanding his parents calmed down and explain he can't be away from Draco. "I understand that but there is a time and place for that. And in class is not one of them." She replied. "Now if your son doesn't stop with this reckless behavior I'm going to have to expel him because under the terms and agreements of conditions for me to become a teacher because I am ministry certified, is that PTA will not be allowed."
"Understandable now I must get home." Hades' father said confusing everyone.

The next morning Professor Umbrage got a very strongly worded Howler at breakfast. The Slytherin table was rolling on the ground, along with the Gryffindors...

Two in one day IM ON A ROLL 368 words

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