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It was around 9:30 PM when Hades and Draco walked down to the dungeons with their parents happily following.  Today was the day Albus got his official punishment. With all the pent-up anger and rage they had, it was definitely going to be fitting.

Hades carried a bowl of elf's blood (willingly given) with him. Over the time it took to get Albus legally processed as "property" of the Riddle family he had come up with a way to keep him from dying. It only heals his body to a stable point but it can only work about 5 times a day before it needs to be refused with the creator's magic. Since it's such a dark spell and the ingredients are so expensive not to mention it was extremely painful for the person it was used for, Not a lot of people use it to this day.

Albus sat in the cell with magic cuffs on, a solid black band around his neck,  and the ridiculous robes he had worn when he was arrested, showing he had not bathed since then. On the bars, it had a medium-sized sheet of parchment that held his information not that it was important to them. "Well Well, we meet again Albus," Tom said as Hades prepared to start the ruins. Bella giggled walking up to the door and opened it dragging Albus out so Hades could get started.

"I'm disappointed in you Tom, you were such a bright mind," Albus said as his eyes twinkled. "I see you have forgotten one thing dear headmaster, or should I say EX-headmaster." Albus frowned. "I am much stronger than last time," Tom said with a smirk on his face. "Call it teacher's habit," started Albus with a hardened face. "But all I can see is the scared, outcasted little boy that came to me in his first year. You would do anything to stay alive even if it meant losing your sanity."

Tom had not wavered while he spoke waiting for him to finish. "I've had my fair share of screw-ups and I regret them." Tom smirked "However, unlike you, I have reaped what I sowed and you must do the same. I mean I went low but manipulating children? That's just sad." Albus looked ready to attack but Hades and completed the ruins and shoved him back inside with the help of his mother.

"You'll regret this in time you'll see I made the right choice!" Albus had come up to the bars holding them as he spoke. "Tom you could have fought for your views without having to go to war! Hades you could have married Ms.Ginny and she was a lovely girl better than this boy you've married!" Oh, he had done it now.

Hades couldn't keep a straight face and started laughing extremely hard making everyone turn to him in question. "Such a stupid old man!" Hades said once he got back the ability to talk. "First off, the war was unavoidable. Second, I and my husband are mated for life, we would have found a way to be together no matter what lastly what makes you think that I wouldn't have found out if I didn't go to the bank?" The room stood in silence before Hades put his hand on hand on the bars and started to chant starting the runes.

"Dryadalis cum de sanguine ac potestas penes animam meam in medio terræ potest constringo vos, ut hic y usque ad mortem consoláta est in humilitáte mea magicae invenire non deficient aquae"

The ruins lit up a bright white then melted into the floor. "Let the fun begin." Said Hades as he pulled his wand from its holster.

————-Gore Warning! ⚠️⚠️——————(Ngl it goes on for almost the rest of the chapter)

Hades delivered several cutting hexes in a row leaving different sized gashes on Albus' body. All of which won't kill him but it would sting and with the dirt from all around it would most likely get infected. Then he set his beard ablaze making Ablus pat it down to try and put it out only burning his hands, the fire stopped when he was only left with 1/4 of his beard. His father went after him and a spell of his own creation that made any open wound start to puss. It would felt like his skin was on fire but it wouldn't do any real damage. Lastly, Hades' mother took her turn. She of course cast the Crucio but with every bit of anger and hate that she gathered over the years, Bella could practically feel the rage from every mother Albus ever wronged, from every parent who lost their child in his path to greed. 

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