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a/n - hey mongs imma try write this chapter (and maybe more of the story) in first person so i can do more POV's and feelings, idk how it'll go so pls let me know what you prefer it would be a big help. Also do u guys like the little instagram posts between the chapters? I might do tweets aswell. BTW i'm so sorry if the tense switches - i'm terrible at this<3

Grace's POV:

I woke up, burrowed in warm, soft sheets. I rubbed the remainders of sleep from my eyes and gazed out of the window at the horizon; its colour extended across the enlightening sky. The majority of people wouldn't take much notice of the sunrise's beauty, as it happened daily. I guess it was hard to find something so meaningful in something so every-day. It's not like the sun wouldn't rise, it had, after all, been reliably happening since the beginning of time. So what was so special about it today?  I brushed off the thought, realising I was in George's bed, shit I must've not gone home after the party last night. I'm guessing I had drank too much and now woken up with a throbbing headache the next morning, well done me! 

I turned to see George led right next to me, I jumped a little in surprise, and started worrying I was accidentally going to wake him. I heard him yawn as I pretended to still be asleep, he got up leaving a gap in the bed for cool air to reach my spine. I squinted my eyes open to see him taking his shirt off to change and damn he looked good. I cringed at my thoughts, closing my eyes quickly. Ensuring he was fully dressed and had left the room, I opened my eyes and got up.

As much as I wanted to stay in bed longer, I had to get up and change out of George's clothes he had lent me, the only thing i had to wear was my tight, wine stained dress. I couldn't complain, there was no other option, until i saw a note attached to the dress.

'Noticed you only had this which doesn't look like the most comfy thing, especially with your hang over. You can borrow my clothes for as long as you want :)'

I read the little note and smiled, George was so caring which made me feel bad for having to borrow his clothes, but I couldn't deny that my dress was probably the worst thing I could wear home. I'd give them back as soon as I could. I walked to the living room to see Alex doing something on his laptop. He turned to see me and smiled "Hey Grace"

"Hey, you got any painkillers? I could really do with some right now" I chuckled lightly.

"Oh yes of course, top cupboard on the right" He said as he went back to whatever he was doing on his laptop. I grabbed the small box of tablets and headed to the bathroom.

 The hangover still felt like a large balloon under my cranium, slowly being inflated. I splashed cool water on my face to refresh myself as if it could wash my brain free of the toxins too. I looked up into the mirror, I looked horrible, mascara smudged all round my light blue eyes that normally looked so clear and energetic, now with layers of exhaustion coating them. I was definitely no longer the glamorous girl of last night. I sighed and washed down the painkillers with water and headed to thank George for letting me borrow his comfy joggers and hoodie.

"Where's George at?" I wondered back into the living room and sat with Alex. 

"He went to uh hang out at Will's, why?" He raised an eyebrow with a smirk plastered over his face as if he was a 13 year old girl who knew some sort of dirty secret. 

"I wanted to thank him,  for letting me borrow his clothes, you know?" I gestured to my outfit.

"Why don't I just give you his number? So you can text him your thanks" He smiled as if he was doing George a favour by saying that.

"Oh yeah sure" I got out my phone and he recited the number.

"Thanks Alex, anyway i should head home" I didn't want to overstay my welcome with the boys so grabbed my bag and dress and walked to the door.

"Aw well see you soon? If you need anything we're just the balcony above" he smiled and waved. I nodded gratefully and headed down to my apartment, noticing the door was unlocked, how weird. I cautiously opened my door to see Caitlin slumped on the couch, making me jump. I had completely forgot that she had headed home early last night.

"About time," she rolled her eyes playfully at me as I joined her on the couch. "Hang on... WHO'S CLOTHES ARE THOSE?" Caitlin snapped out of her tired state and sat upright, willing to hear details. 

"they're just george's" I shrugged.

"Oooo how come he gave you them clothes?" she winked

"Well I just spilt-" I was interrupted with Caitlin squealing

"OH MY GOD WAIT DID YOU SLEEP WITH HIM?" she excitedly said, almost yelling.

"Wha- No! He just lent me them because drunk me spilt wine all over my dress and he didn't want me feeling uncomfortable" 

"Yawn.. Boringggg!" 

"Not everything is about sex and relationships you know? We only met a few days ago - I hardly know anything about him!" 

"But you do think he's cute right?"

"maybe a little..." I blushed, covering my face with a pillow.

"HA EXACTLY!" I just laughed at her silliness. I'd never have anything with George, I don't know anything about him and even if I did, he's way too good for me, way too sweet and kind and funny and amazing and- oh my god, what if i'm catching feelings?

I went into my room to change into my clothes, i put on a cropped, light brown vest with an orange jacket to cover and my blue jeans with a slim leather belt that snaked around my waist. I folded up George's clothes and lay them on the end of my bed to remind myself to take them back. I then decided to text him, i took a deep breath and pulled out my phone.

grace :)

Hey George, it's Grace, Alex gave me your number. I couldn't catch you this morning but i wanted to thank you for letting me borrow your joggers and hoodie. I promise I'll give them back when I next see you, have a good day with Will x 

After sending the text, I instantly regretted the kiss at the end, I only sent them to super close friends and felt awkward about sending them to him so followed up with another message:

 grace :)

Sorry for the x its a habit oops 

george :)

ayy it's all good, no need to rush giving them back, i really don't mind. hope you have a good day too x

For some reason, i felt butterflies reading his message, he had returned the little kiss at the end, even when i said it was an accident. I don't know why it felt weird to me. After all, most of my other male friends sent them all the time just to be friendly, it wasn't a big deal.

So why did it feel different with him?

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