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Grace's POV

 Will tried to keep us calm. If my thoughts were visible they would be an inverse explosion, crazy chaotic turns and twists all coming together to just one question, one hope. People say these situations would always dance their way back to love, without hurting the people we cared for but today I wasn't so sure. Considering we were sat in the waiting room of a hospital, waiting to hear about my best friend.

"Are you visitors of Alex Elmslie?" 

We nodded eagerly and followed the nurse. The hospital corridor was stuffy and the air had an undertone of bleach. The walls were pale and scraped in places from the hundreds of trolleys that have bumped into them. Posters about vaccines and all sorts covered the walls and above the double doors were large blue plastic signs with the areas of the hospital that were ahead.

We finally reach the door, brown and dull like all the others. "Well, here we are," the nurse opened the door. An old TV set hung from the ceiling, and an IV beside him as he slept. A window giving me a view of the world below was just beside me. In the corner were three chairs, frayed with wear and tear. The walls were a light brown, Alex would obviously prefer pink. He'd been thinking of painting his walls pink for ages. It's not like he had a choice though.  "We need to ask you some questions" the nurse added.

George pulled a seat next to Alex and sat down,"B-but what happened?" He asked , his voice sore and quiet.

"He was found unconscious outside a pub last night, he had high alcohol levels and we had even found he had taken a substantial amount pills. Which is why we must ask, has he had previous encounters with drugs before? and is he an alcoholic?" 

"No! Alex told me he would never go near any form of drugs I'm sure of it! He has drinks here and there but he's no alcoholic"

"So this is a new thing? Do you know why he could've changed his mind about drugs that night?" 

George looked away, struggling to hold back the tears. He put his hands over his face and Will walked over, putting a reassuring hand on his back. "They got into an argument" Will spoke for George.

"Is he going to be okay?" I bit my lip, trying to process all this information. Drugs? That didn't sound like Alex one bit, he was always so happy and bubbly. None of this added up.

"He has been detoxified but his brain was damaged. He will need to stay here for one more night for recovery. He should be okay as long as you keep him away from alcohol for a few weeks to a month" The nurse left the room.

I sighed in relief and took a seat besides George, "You hear that? he's gonna be okay" I looked at the boys.

"Its all my fault" George slapped himself in the face.

"Woah woah Its okay, its not your fault you had no way of knowing" Will put his arm around George. 

There was a silent pause.

"I'm going to get some snacks, I'll be back in a bit" I smiled at George and Will and left the room. I memorized the room number as I dragged myself to the vending machine down the corridor. I purchased a few packets of crisps and some chocolate bars and started to head back but I stopped just before reaching the door. George and Will seemed to be talking privately I didn't want to disturb. Yet being the nosy girl I am, I decided to listen in.

"I don't know Will, its not like she'd ever feel the same" George's voice was muffled,

"Just Dump Tess, its clear she's not the one you love. I see it, Alex sees it and now you need to see it."

"Now's not the time, I have Alex to worry about" George sighed and there was a silence, I took the opportunity to enter the room. 

"I'm backkk!" I smiled and handed them their snacks. They both smiled back , I could tell they were faking. 

"Thanks Grace" George and I met eyes, a second passed and the moment was over. 

-time skip- 

"HE'S WAKING UP" George shook me awake. He had been awake the whole time waiting for that moment, the moment that secured Alex being okay, the moment he could apologise to him.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the confused boy in bed, rubbing his head. 

"Alex!" I squealed, managing to wake Will.

"He's awake??" Will got up and came over to us, I nodded.

George was staring intensely at Alex, waiting for a response.

"Wh-Who's Alex?" Alex asked, confused.

We looked at each other in confusion.

"You're Alex" George looked at him "Do you remember me?" 

Alex shook his head at George 

"I'll go find the nurse" Will left the room. 

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