twenty eight

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meanwhile - george's pov

i walked into the club that will had somehow convinced me to come to, mainly to take my mind off of the stuff with grace. though alex decided not to come, he was too busy getting over the breakup, plus he was probably still pissed at me. 

i was wearing one of will's tailored suits that wasn't too formal but formal at the same time, my hair was messy as usual and my cheeks stained with a bruise: credits to alex.  we headed in and i was already bored, flashing lights, blaring music, the club setting wasn't for me. will headed off to meet up with mia,  and that's when we made eye contact.

it was grace 

and i'm guessing she came for the same reasons as us. 

i wanted to smile at her but she turned her head away too quickly for me to think. i sighed and walked away, running a hand through my thick hair.

 i brushed off the thought, reminding myself i was here for me, not for her. 

i headed to another part of the club and stood as alone as possible (which was difficult in a place where bodies coated the whole floor with movement). so i had a couple drinks, and subtly moved to the music for a while, i clearly wasn't a dancer, but i moved.

somehow my eyes were still drawn back to grace, she looked beautiful tonight. the butterflies in my stomach returned and i couldn't take my eyes off her for over a minute, i hated it.

soon after, she was accompanied by a man at the bar. he looked in his late 20s - early 30s. but i wasn't surprised, dressing that amazing was obviously going to attract flirtatious male attention. 

i moved closer, feeling jealous that i couldn't be the guy she flirted with in the bar. my heart sort of sunk, i wanted to be meeting her for the first time again. to restart our story, to get to know her instead of tess, to laugh and smile with her so eventually she would end up with me instead of alex. we'd have date nights, watching netflix with her head on my shoulder, or out for fancy dinners where the waiters had funny accents. i didn't care. all i wanted was to share great memories with her, to make her happy, to be there for her when she cried and to hug her, to kiss her, to love her

i wanted to be with her

i felt a small tear drip down my cheek as just the idea of having a friendly conversation seemed impossible. she tried to love me before but i pushed her way - why did i do that? looking back at the memories made me more pissed. 

i wiped my eyes, realising i had been producing more and more specks of water from them in the past minute. i continued watching the two, but what i saw was not what i had imagined would happen.

the man was putting his hand on grace's leg, proceeding to move it up her thigh. it made me more nervous. i just hoped he'd understand if she said no? 

but what if she said yes?

and then the thoughts of grace being with another guy had clouded my brain so much that i was suddenly completely oblivious. 

i snapped back into reality to see grace being firmly grabbed by this man. alarm bells went off in my head and i panicked. i needed to get to grace.

i pushed through the crowd as quickly as possible, gaining strange looks from everyone. i needed to help her, whether she was mad at me or not. when i got through the crowd, i could see her tears. she was trying to push him away, but he was obviously the stronger participant. 

so i interrupted

"hey! get off her" with a swing of my fist i punched the man as hard as i could, which wasn't that hard since i was probably the most scrawny guy in the club. yet it seemed to make him stumble backwards for long enough for me to catch grace and escape his grasp. 

the balcony above - memeulous x ocWhere stories live. Discover now