thirty two

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grace's pov

"hey grace... can i talk to you for a second?" kori led me to the kitchen of james and fraser's apartment while the others debated on what food to to order. "i feel really bad about what happened in the cinema, george told me what you have been through and i did not mean to impact you in a bad way whatsoever. i regret it so fucking much please forgive me" he rubbed his neck, he did seem genuinely sorry.

i sighed "don't worry about it, i forgive you" i smiled, he returned a cute smile and we headed back into the living room. 

george raised a brow at me and i nodded my head in return, to reassure him everything's ok. he smiled back but then looked at kori blankly, i shrugged it off, it was probably nothing. 

"right so we're gonna get pepperoni pizzas, that ok with you two?" fraser declared, turning to me and kori. 

"sounds good" we replied in unison, causing us to laugh. 

george's pov

the pizza finally arrived and we all sat around the coffee table. james and will in armchairs, me alex and fraser on the floor, and kori and grace on the couch. 

i found myself disliking kori more and more as time went on, i mean all he seemed to do was talk to and laugh at grace's jokes. and how the hell was he so good looking, he literally looked like a model - i mean how is that fair! he's so manly and then there's just me, here with alex and fraser, a weak little guy with only the fact that i have 3.8 million youtube subscribers to impress people. not very impressive unless you're a total fangirl. 

i mean imagine me trying to impress a girl with 'hi i'm george and i'm a youtuber!'. yeah, that's definitely not as cool and interesting as 'hi i'm kori and i'm a hot personal trainer from brighton who loves to work out and get all the girls' - just some information i picked up from listening in to his conversation with grace which was going amazingly by the way. 

it's like just sitting on the couch with grace makes him the king of the castle, and i'm down on the floor - the dirty rascal some say. and funny to think that option normally sounds more sexy, but now it's just sad. 

i felt someone nudge me "jealous huh?" fraser whispered in my ear. i guess he noticed me staring blankly at kori.

"n-no? why would you think that?" 

"you've been staring at him for a couple minutes now, aren't you just a little worried?"

i cleared my throat "of course i'm worried..." i whispered shouted "i mean look at him, you can't tell me grace wouldn't go for someone who looks that good, he's a personal trainer i mean he's basically-" 

"she won't" alex spoke, joining the conversation "george she likes you, no matter who comes along, how good they look or what cool job they do. stop overthinking it." he said sharply, probably fed up with me by now.

i stayed silent and grabbed another bite of my pizza. i still just wasn't sure.

"you guys staying overnight then? we can build a fort and stuff and sleep in there" fraser grinned and everyone nodded wildly.

"i think i'm gonna head back..." i said, grabbing everyone's attention "a lot of editing you know, see you guys later yeah?" i got up with a fake smile and headed out of the door.

grace's pov 

i raised my eyebrows at fraser and alex who just shrugged. i quickly got up and rushed out of the apartment, to catch george about to get inside the elevator. 

i ran and slipped inside before the automatic doors shut to be met with george, stood on his phone with a sad expression on his face "what's going on?" 

he looked up "w-what do you mean im just going home to do editing" he laughed nervously and looked back at his phone, though i could tell it was fake.

"no you're not" i put my hand over the phone, blocking his screen "what's wrong?" i looked him in the eyes, hoping for honesty in response.

"i-i just, don't like that k-kori guy you know, that's all. but i can tell you do and that's t-totally fine because i respect your choices and-"

"i don't"


"i don't like kori, george, not like that. he's cool and all, but a bit too much. i'd prefer a more chill guy than him" i laughed nervously "you know... like you" i held my breath, waiting for rejection.

but instead he placed a hand on my cheek

and slowly pulled me in for a kiss 

and it seemed to last forever

but also didn't last long enough

because the elevator door pinged open and george just left without a single word. 

i felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment as i  headed back up to the apartment and walked inside. 

"has he left?" 

"is he coming back?" 

voices questioned me from inside the already made fort but all i could do was just shrug as i tried to processed what had just happened - he liked me back?? 

i grabbed will and alex's arms and pulled them both into the kitchen "can one of you explain what the fuck just happened?" 

the boys exchanged shrugs and then looked at me blankly "what happened?" they asked in unison.

"george...he just...he just-" 

"spit it out" will chuckled 

"kissed me..." i replied, even more flustered than before.

"holy shit" alex laughed "for real?"

"i didn't think he had the balls!" will added

"woah woah woah" i interrupted their laughter "you knew he was going to?"

"well we knew he liked you, not that he was going to kiss you" will excaimed, a wide grin on his face

"so you knew he liked me"

"for ageessss" alex interrupted

"and you never thought to tell me?" 

will and alex nodded "yup!"

"unbelievable" i rolled my eyes and laughed at the two smug boys, pretending to be annoyed, and left the room to sit in the fort with the others. 

what idiots

A/N: short chapter because i think the next one will be the last, thank you all for reading and supporting this book, its so sad that it's coming to its end shortly. remember to leave some comments throughout and get ready for the next chapter!

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