twenty three

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grace's pov

i was half asleep when i felt someone roll over beside me.

alarmed, i sat up and looked over at the figure in the other side of my bed. 

"holy shit" i whispered, realising what had happened. the act of getting over george had obviously gone too far and consequently,

i had slept with one of my best friends.

i took a second glance at alex who was rubbing his eyes in confusion also, we made eye contact and all of a sudden i had a decision to make. if it had already gone this far, do i continue to get over george this way? or find another way?  

though i didn't love alex or want to lead him on, being the dumbass i was, i chose the first option. i mean maybe after a while i would learn to like him the way i liked george.

"hey" i smiled at alex and kissed him on the cheek (slightly cringing at myself). his confused look turned to a smile and i got up to make some breakfast.

alex's pov

grace was acting weird, she's never shown she had feelings for me before last night. in fact, i thought she still liked george, but apparently not. 

i grinned to myself, i had actually landed myself a girlfriend - george was wrong, i did find someone. and he's with tess now so he's not allowed to care, it's not like he ever cared for grace anyway. now i could show him how to care for a beautiful girl like grace, he's going to be so jealous that he's stuck with the bitch on the balcony above, while i'm down here with the best girl i could ask for.

i pulled myself out of bed and put on my outfit from yesterday. i walked into the kitchen to see grace singing to 'dancing queen' while making pancakes. i chuckled and sat at the table, just watching her for a while. she placed a plate in front of me and she sat beside me, i had the sudden urge to confirm my thoughts "sooo are we?" i raised an eyebrow "a thing now?" i took a bite out of the warm, flat cake of batter.

"of course" she smiled a sort of uneasy-looking smile, i brushed it off and continued with my breakfast. grace's phone buzzed, i heard her mutter swear words under her breath as she scrolled through her texts.

"who is it?" i pondered, although i had a feeling i knew who it was.

"just george, he saw my post about us getting drunk last night and has been on my tail ever since" she shook her head and eventually started typing back.

graces pov



where's alex?

you know he shouldn't be drinking!

he could be in serious danger right now

i can't believe your being so irresponsible right now

his life was on the line, WE TOOK HIM TO HOSPITAL

this is a big risk





dude he's literally fine chill, he just wanted to have fun 

it's not like you're ever around to do that


what's that supposed to mean?


you're ALWAYS with tess, don't lie to yourself

i took a deep breath, i didn't know how he was going to respond and it made me nervous as fuck.


you hardly know tess

you're just jealous...

jealous - that word stung, i wasn't jealous of tess, no way. i had alex now and i had forced myself to be happy with that


honestly george, you're so full of yourself

why the fuck would i be jealous of you and tess, i have a boyfriend


wait what? you have a boyfriend? 



read at 10:10am 

(A/N: sorry for this short filler, im just getting into writing again, hope you're enjoying!)

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